Pénélope mon amour (Penelope My Love). 2021. France. Directed by Claire Doyon. US premiere. In French; English subtitles. 90 min.
Looking back at 18 years of family archives, Claire Doyon recalls, “I filmed because I couldn’t save my daughter.” Penelope, who we meet as a teenage girl at the beginning of the film, is autistic, living with Rett syndrome. Doyon’s deeply generous work traces their parallel journeys, with diagnoses, varying treatments, and the trying and tender rhythm of family life flitting by in a Super8, video, and photographic time-lapse. Narrating her own images allows Doyon to craft a frank and vulnerable study of maternal love within the labyrinth of medical care. With the remove of time, the narrative of “cure” is abandoned, leaving Doyon to embrace the beauty of difference. Winner of the Georges de Beauregard National Prize, FIDMarseille.