Virtual Cinema screenings are available exclusively to MoMA members. Not a member? Join today and start streaming.
Rhythmus 21. 1921. Germany. Directed by Hans Richter. Silent. 3 min.
The first of Hans Richter’s Rhythmus series, Rhythmus 21 is an absolute film, created in an abstract and Dadaist vein.
Rhythmus 23. 1923. Germany. Directed by Hans Richter. 4 min.
An extended version of Rhythmus 21, Rhythmus 23 features more overlays and angles.
Le Retour à la Raison. (Return to Reason).1923. France. Silent. Directed by Man Ray. 3 min.
Man Ray’s Le retour à la raison (Return to Reason) explores the limits and potential of the film frame, putting abstract forms and textures into motion.
Les statues meurent aussi. (Statues Also Die). 1953. France. Directed by Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, and Ghislain Cloquet. French; English subtitles. 30 min.
Les statues meurent aussi (Statues Also Die) examines the transformation and circumscription of African art in the European museum.
Good Night Good Morning. 1976. USA. Directed by Joan Jonas. 12 min.
Joan Jonas’s video work Good Night Good Morning is a self-portrait whose subject is established through repeated greetings and farewells.
City Slivers. 1976. USA. Directed by Gordon Matta-Clark. Silent. 15 min.
Gordon Matta-Clark’s short film City Slivers is a cut-up portrait of New York City.
Virtual Cinema is not available to Annual Pass members. Virtual Cinema screenings are not available outside the US.