Rachel Whiteread. Water Tower. 1998
With Kate Lewis, The Agnes Gund Chief Conservator
Floor 1
Robert Rauschenberg. Autobiography. 1968
With Mack Cole-Edelsach, Design and Production Manager, and Matthew Cox, Exhibition Designer, Department of Exhibition Design and Production
Floor 4, Collection Galleries, Gallery 26
Louise Bourgeois. The Quartered One. 1964–65
With Paulina Pobocha, Assistant Curator, Department of Painting and Sculpture
Floor 3
Lee Bontecou. Untitled. 1961
With Lana Hum, Director, Exhibition Design and Production
Floor 3
Lester Beall. Rural Electrification Administration. 1937
With Pamela Popeson, Architecture and Design Preparator
Floor 3
Gilbert Baker. Rainbow Flag. 1978
With Paola Antonelli, Senior Curator, Department of Architecture and Design
Floor 1
Frank Lloyd Wright. Rosenwald School, Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Virginia. Project. 1928
With Peter Reed, Senior Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs, and Jennifer Gray, Project Research Assistant, Department of Architecture and Design
Floor 3
Frank Lloyd Wright. Little Farms Unit. 1932
With Juliet Kinchin, Curator of Modern Design, Department of Architecture and Design
Floor 3
Claude Monet. Water Lilies. 1914–26
With Anny Aviram, Conservator
Floor 5, Collection Galleries, Gallery 9
Charles Hossein Zenderoudi. K+L+32+H+4. Mon père et moi (My Father and I). 1962
With Glenn Lowry, Director, The Museum of Modern Art
Floor 5, Collection Galleries, Gallery 6
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