Originally created in 1989 as a collaboration between Mike Kelley and Los Angeles-based choreographer, Anita Pace, Pansy Metal/Clovered Hoof is restaged by Pace for the opening day. The dancers are clad in silk scarves designed by Kelley and perform on a fashion show style ramp to Orgasmatron by British heavy metal band Motörhead.
Sunday Sessions is a weekly presentation of performance, moving images, dance, music, and discursive programs. Its mission is to embrace live arts as an integral aspect of contemporary practice and ask how art forms, which unfold in the here and now, produce specific ways of thinking and useful means to engage with the broader world. Every Sunday different artists, curators, thinkers and a range of other cultural agents are invited to share their latest projects and ideas with the MoMA PS1 audience.
Sunday Sessions is organized by Jenny Schlenzka, Associate Curator with Mike Skinner, Producer, and Alex Sloane, Live Programs Coordinator.
Sunday Sessions and the VW Dome at MoMA PS1 are made possible by a partnership with Volkswagen of America.