¿Cómo comprender la contribución de España en el desarrollo del arte moderno en París? ¿De qué manera las obras de los maestros españoles reflejan la cultura e identidad ibéricas? A diferencia de las tendencias innovadoras dominantes en Europa a principios del siglo XX, España sufrió un aislamiento político y cultural a raíz de un régimen dictatorial anclado en el pasado. El gusto romántico convirtió el atraso español en exotismo y paradójicamente, años después, ese exotismo convirtió a la cultura española en tema excepcional para el arte moderno. Acompáñenos a descubrir las ideas de identidad nacional y regional ibéricas en las obras de Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró y Salvador Dalí. El grupo se reúne en el 5to piso, galería 2
Note: this Gallery Session will be in Spanish. English translation of the session description below.
Magic, Sex, Death: Spanish Influence on 20th-Century Parisian Avant-Gardes
How do we understand the contribution of Spanish artists to the development of modern art in Paris? How did the works of Spanish masters reflect the culture and identity of their motherland? Under a dictatorship dedicated to glorifying the past, Spain was politically and culturally isolated from many of the innovative tendencies that prevailed in 20th-century Europe. A romantic taste transformed the results of that isolation into exoticism and, paradoxically, years later that exoticism would transform Spanish culture into an exceptional theme for modern art. Join us in discovering signs of Spanish national and regional identities in the works of Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, and Salvador Dalí.
This session is led by Tamara Kostianovsky.
Join us for lively conversations and engaging activities, facilitated by Museum educators, that offer insightful and unusual ways to engage with MoMA’s collection and special exhibitions.
Gallery Sessions are free for members and Museum admission ticket holders. No registration is required. Groups meet in the Marron Atrium, Floor 2.
FM headsets for sound amplification are available for all talks.