This is a list of artists with work in our collection or who have been included in a MoMA exhibition. It is updated continually.
Paul Arlt
1 Exhibition
Robert Bach
1 Exhibition
Ray Bethers
1 Exhibition
Henry Billings
American, 1901–1987
4 Exhibitions
Julian Binford
American, 1908–1997
1 Exhibition
Edward Chavez
American, 1917–1995
1 work online
Nicolai Cikovsky
American, 1894–1984
1 work online
J. Halley Cox
1 Exhibition
Beatrice Cuming
1 Exhibition
Harry Dix
1 Exhibition
Lucy Doane
1 Exhibition
Dean Fausett
American, 1913–1998
5 Exhibitions
Seymour Fogel
American, 1911–1984
3 Exhibitions
Paul E. Fontaine
1 Exhibition
Jared French
American, 1905–1988
25 works online
Arthur Getz
2 Exhibitions
Raphel Gleitsman
1 Exhibition
Harper Goff
1 Exhibition
Lloyd Goff
1 Exhibition
Harry Gottlieb
American, 1894–1992
1 work online
Ernest Halbertstadt
1 Exhibition
Leon Hovsepian
1 Exhibition
Jack Jandegian
1 Exhibition
Richard Jansen
1 Exhibition
William H. Johnson
American, 1901–1970
9 works online
Allan D. Jones, Jr.
1 Exhibition
Amy Jones
1 Exhibition
Clifford E. Jones
1 Exhibition
Theodore Katz
1 Exhibition
Arthur Kerrick
1 Exhibition
J. Klinkenberg
1 Exhibition
Joseph Lasker
1 Exhibition
Elizabeth D. Logan
1 Exhibition
Erle Loran
American, 1905–1999
2 works online
Margaret Lowengrund
1 Exhibition
James F. MacDonnell
1 Exhibition
A.S. MacLeod
1 Exhibition
Jennie Magafan
2 Exhibitions
Herman Maril
American, 1908–1986
2 Exhibitions
Charles E. Marks
1 Exhibition
D. S. Martin
American, born 1916
4 Exhibitions
Alexander Masley
1 Exhibition
Daniel M. Mendelowitz
1 Exhibition
Doris Helene Michels
1 Exhibition
Eugene Morley
2 Exhibitions
Carl Morris
American, born 1911
6 works online
Karl Oberteuffer
1 Exhibition
Elizabeth Olds
American, 1897–1991
5 works online
George Picken
3 Exhibitions
Josef Presser
1 Exhibition
Leonard Pytlak
American, 1910–1998
3 Exhibitions
Leonara Quarterman
1 Exhibition
Charles Quest
American, 1904–1993
4 Exhibitions
Edward A. Reep
1 Exhibition
Anton Refregier
American, born Russia. 1905–1979
1 work online
Paul C. Robertson
1 Exhibition
Jay T. Robinson
1 Exhibition
Mark M. Robinson
1 Exhibition
Caroline S. Rohland
1 Exhibition
Lewis Rubenstein
1 Exhibition