This is a list of artists with work in our collection or who have been included in a MoMA exhibition. It is updated continually.
Anni Albers
American, born Germany. 1899–1994
172 works online
Josef Albers
American, born Germany. 1888–1976
176 works online
Mordecai Ardon
Israeli, born Poland. 1896–1992
2 works online
Bauhaus Carpentry Workshop
2 Exhibitions
Herbert Bayer
American, born Austria. 1900–1985
164 works online
Hannes Beckmann
American, 1909–1977
2 Exhibitions
Otti Berger
Croatian, 1898–1944; at Bauhaus 1926–32
13 works online
Max Bill
Swiss, 1908–1994
38 works online
Theodor Bogler
German, 1897–1968
3 works online
Marianne Brandt
German, 1893–1983
15 works online
Hin Bredendieck
German, 1904–1995
1 work online
Marcel Breuer
American, born Hungary. 1902–1981
29 works online
Peer Bücking
German, 1906–1940
1 work online
1 Exhibition
Mike Crane
1 Exhibition
Laurence Cuneo
1 Exhibition
Christian Dell
German, 1893–1974
2 works online
Erich Dieckmann
German, 1896–1944
1 work online
Theo van Doesburg
Dutch, 1883–1931
49 works online
Franz Ehrlich
German, 1907–1984; at Bauhaus 1927–30
1 work online
Martha Erps
1 Exhibition
Francis Fairweather
1 Exhibition
Lyonel Feininger
American, 1871–1956
240 works online
Werner David Feist
German, 1909–1998
2 works online
Margrit Fischer
1 Exhibition
Fred Forbat
1 Exhibition
Miriam French
1 Exhibition
Edwin Maxwell Fry
British, 1899–1987
2 Exhibitions
Lotte Gerson
1 Exhibition
Alexander Giampietro
3 Exhibitions
Siegfried Griesenschlag
1 Exhibition
Walter Gropius
German, 1883–1969
3 works online
George Grosz
American, born Germany. 1893–1959
235 works online
Toma Grote
1 Exhibition
Josef Hartwig
German, 1880–1955
1 work online
Gustav Hassenpflug
German, 1907–1977; at Bauhaus 1927–29
2 Exhibitions
Florence Henri
Swiss, born United States. 1893–1982
12 works online
Albrecht Heubner
German, 1908–1945
14 works online
Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack
German, 1893–1965
8 works online
Hubert Hoffmann
German, 1904–1999; at Bauhaus 1926–31
2 Exhibitions
Johannes Itten
Swiss, 1888–1967
8 works online
Carl Jakob Jucker
Swiss, 1902–1997
1 work online
Milton Kalish
1 Exhibition
Wallace Kamman
1 Exhibition
Vasily Kandinsky
French, born Russia. 1866–1944
154 works online
Peter Keler
German, 1898–1982; at Bauhaus 1921–25
2 Exhibitions
Juliet Kepes
American, born England. 1919–1999
6 Exhibitions
Ida Kerkovius
1 Exhibition
Paul Klee
German, born Switzerland. 1879–1940
146 works online
Josef Knau
1 Exhibition
Richard Koppe
1 Exhibition
Kenneth Kurtz
1 Exhibition
Lothar Lang
1 Exhibition
Nathan Lerner
1 Exhibition
Lore Leudesdorff-Engstfeld
1 Exhibition
Otto Lindig
German, 1895–1966
2 works online
Heinz Loew
German, 1903–1981
3 works online
1 Exhibition
Gerhard Marcks
German, 1889–1981
57 works online
W. Menzel
1 Exhibition