Wikipedia entry
Frank Jay Haynes (October 28, 1853 – March 10, 1921), known as F. Jay or "the Professor" to almost all who knew him, was a professional photographer, publisher, and entrepreneur from Minnesota who played a major role in documenting through photographs the settlement and early history of the Northwestern United States. He became both the official photographer of the Northern Pacific Railway and of Yellowstone National Park as well as operating early transportation concessions in the park. His photographs were widely published in articles, journals, and books, and turned into stereographs and postcards in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Information from Wikipedia, made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Getty record
Born 28 October 1853; died 10 March 1921. From 1876 to 1879, Haynes operated a photographic studio in Moorhead, Minnesota. In 1879, he moved his studio to Fargo, North Dakota. In 1889, he moved his studio to Saint Paul, Minnesota, and operated there until 1916. In 1897, Haynes opened another studio at the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park, called "Haynes' Log Cabin Studio". From 1876 to 1905, Haynes was the official photographer of the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1877, Haynes photographed the Dakota Territory from Bismark (now North Dakota) to Deadwood (now South Dakota). In 1878, Haynes travelled 3000 miles down the Missouri River and photographed from Bismark, Dakota Territory, to the Pacific coast. In 1881, Haynes visited Yellowstone National Park and returned to photograph the park every year until his death. In 1883, he accompanied President Chester A. Arthur's expedition through Yellowstone and photographed the driving of the last spike of the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1884, Haynes became the sole photographic operator for Yellowstone, a position he held until 1921.
Artist, Photographer
Frank Jay Haynes, F. Jay Haynes, Frank J. Haynes, Frederick Jay Haynes
Information from Getty’s Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License



  • Photography at MoMA: 1840–1920 Hardcover, 376 pages

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