German Expressionism

Works from the Collection

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Showing item in 161 - 186 of 186
  • Ernst Barlach. Dance of Death II (Totentanz II) from The Transformations of God (Die Wandlungen Gottes). (1922, executed 1920-21)
    Ernst Barlach
    Dance of Death II (Totentanz II) from The...
    (1922, executed 1920-21)
    Ernst Barlach. Dance of Death II (Totentanz II) from The Transformations of God (Die Wandlungen Gottes). (1922, executed 1920-21)
  • Ernst Barlach. The Seventh Day (Der siebente Tag) from The Transformations of God (Die Wandlungen Gottes). (1922, executed 1920-21)
    Ernst Barlach
    The Seventh Day (Der siebente Tag) from The...
    (1922, executed 1920-21)
    Ernst Barlach. The Seventh Day (Der siebente Tag) from The Transformations of God (Die Wandlungen Gottes). (1922, executed 1920-21)
  • George Grosz. The Blessing of Heaven is Visibly upon Me (Gottes sichtbarer Segen ist bei mir) from the portfolio The Robbers (Die Räuber). (1922)
    George Grosz
    The Blessing of Heaven is Visibly upon Me (Gottes...
    George Grosz. The Blessing of Heaven is Visibly upon Me (Gottes sichtbarer Segen ist bei mir) from the portfolio The Robbers (Die Räuber). (1922)
  • Franz E. Hecht. From the Legend of St. Francis (After Taddeo Gaddi) (Aus der Legende des hl. Franz [Nach Taddeo Gaddi]) (plate, after p. 70) from Ganymed. Blätter der Marées-Gesellschaft, vol. 4. 1922
    Franz E. Hecht
    From the Legend of St. Francis (After Taddeo Gaddi)...
    Franz E. Hecht. From the Legend of St. Francis (After Taddeo Gaddi) (Aus der Legende des hl. Franz [Nach Taddeo Gaddi]) (plate, after p. 70) from Ganymed. Blätter der Marées-Gesellschaft, vol. 4. 1922
  • Lovis Corinth. David and Goliath (David und Goliath) for the illustrated book Saul and David. The Two Books Samuel (Saul und David. Die beiden Bücher Samuelis). (1923)
    Lovis Corinth
    David and Goliath (David und Goliath) for the...
    Lovis Corinth. David and Goliath (David und Goliath) for the illustrated book Saul and David. The Two Books Samuel (Saul und David. Die beiden Bücher Samuelis). (1923)
  • Lovis Corinth. The Death Of Jesus (Tod Jesu). (1923)
    Lovis Corinth
    The Death Of Jesus (Tod Jesu)
    Lovis Corinth. The Death Of Jesus (Tod Jesu). (1923)
  • Lovis Corinth. The Bearing of the Cross (Kreuztragung). (1923)
    Lovis Corinth
    The Bearing of the Cross (Kreuztragung)
    Lovis Corinth. The Bearing of the Cross (Kreuztragung). (1923)
  • Lovis Corinth. The Bearing of the Cross (Kreuztragung). (1923)
    Lovis Corinth
    The Bearing of the Cross (Kreuztragung)
    Lovis Corinth. The Bearing of the Cross (Kreuztragung). (1923)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Skt. Nikolai. 1923
    Lyonel Feininger
    Skt. Nikolai
    Lyonel Feininger. Skt. Nikolai. 1923
  • Lyonel Feininger. Church (Kirche). 1923
    Lyonel Feininger
    Church (Kirche)
    Lyonel Feininger. Church (Kirche). 1923
  • Lyonel Feininger. Village Church (Dorfkirche) discarded design for a postcard for the "Bauhaus Exhibition Weimar 1923". 1923
    Lyonel Feininger
    Village Church (Dorfkirche) discarded design...
    Lyonel Feininger. Village Church (Dorfkirche) discarded design for a postcard for the "Bauhaus Exhibition Weimar 1923". 1923
  • Alfred Kubin. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem (Der Einzug in Jerusalem). (1923)
    Alfred Kubin
    Christ's Entry into Jerusalem (Der Einzug in...
    Alfred Kubin. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem (Der Einzug in Jerusalem). (1923)
  • Christian Rohlfs. Jew (Jude). (1923)
    Christian Rohlfs
    Jew (Jude)
    Christian Rohlfs. Jew (Jude). (1923)
  • Various Artists. Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus (Meistermappe des Staatlichen Bauhauses). 1923
    Various Artists
    Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus...
    Various Artists. Masters' Portfolio of the Staatliches Bauhaus (Meistermappe des Staatlichen Bauhauses). 1923
  • Lovis Corinth. Resurrection (Auferstehung). (1925)
    Lovis Corinth
    Resurrection (Auferstehung)
    Lovis Corinth. Resurrection (Auferstehung). (1925)
  • Friedrich Feigl. The Finding of Moses (Die Auffindung Moses). (c. 1925)
    Friedrich Feigl
    The Finding of Moses (Die Auffindung Moses)
    (c. 1925)
    Friedrich Feigl. The Finding of Moses (Die Auffindung Moses). (c. 1925)
  • Friedrich Feigl. Motif from the Song of Songs (Das Hohelied). (c. 1925)
    Friedrich Feigl
    Motif from the Song of Songs (Das Hohelied)
    (c. 1925)
    Friedrich Feigl. Motif from the Song of Songs (Das Hohelied). (c. 1925)
  • Walter Helbig. Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.)) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1917, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.))...
    1917, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.)) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1917, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1918, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1918, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1918, published 1926
  • George Grosz. Saints (Heilige) from the portfolio Interregnum. (1935-1936, published 1936)
    George Grosz
    Saints (Heilige) from the portfolio...
    (1935-1936, published 1936)
    George Grosz. Saints (Heilige) from the portfolio Interregnum. (1935-1936, published 1936)
  • Oskar Kokoschka. Christ Helping the Starving Children (Christus hilft der hungernden Kindern). 1945
    Oskar Kokoschka
    Christ Helping the Starving Children (Christus...
    Oskar Kokoschka. Christ Helping the Starving Children (Christus hilft der hungernden Kindern). 1945
  • Max Beckmann. Christ and Pilate (Christus und Pilatus) from Day and Dream. (1946)
    Max Beckmann
    Christ and Pilate (Christus und Pilatus)...
    Max Beckmann. Christ and Pilate (Christus und Pilatus) from Day and Dream. (1946)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Jakob Steinhardt. Jonah Is Spit Out (Jona wird ausgespuckt). 1951
    Jakob Steinhardt
    Jonah Is Spit Out (Jona wird ausgespuckt)
    Jakob Steinhardt. Jonah Is Spit Out (Jona wird ausgespuckt). 1951
  • Gerhard Marcks. Noah. (1954, woodcut executed 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks
    (1954, woodcut executed 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks. Noah. (1954, woodcut executed 1948)
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