German Expressionism

Works from the Collection

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Search Results

Showing item in 801 - 924 of 924
  • Walter Helbig. Illustration from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1920, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Illustration from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1920, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Illustration from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1920, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Zaddik from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1923, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Zaddik from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte)
    1923, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Zaddik from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1923, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Female Head (Weibl. Kopf) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1923, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Female Head (Weibl. Kopf) from 16 Woodcuts...
    1923, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Female Head (Weibl. Kopf) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1923, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Islander (Insulanerin) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1925, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Islander (Insulanerin) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1925, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Islander (Insulanerin) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1925, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Three Men Strolling (Spaziergänger) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1925, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Three Men Strolling (Spaziergänger)...
    1925, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Three Men Strolling (Spaziergänger) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1925, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Drunkards (Die Trinker) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1925, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Drunkards (Die Trinker) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1925, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Drunkards (Die Trinker) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1925, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Title page (Titelblatt) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
    Walter Helbig
    Title page (Titelblatt) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    Walter Helbig. Title page (Titelblatt) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
  • Walter Helbig. Table of Contents (Oglavlenie) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
    Walter Helbig
    Table of Contents (Oglavlenie) from 16...
    Walter Helbig. Table of Contents (Oglavlenie) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
  • Walter Helbig. Colophon (Kolophon) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
    Walter Helbig
    Colophon (Kolophon) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    Walter Helbig. Colophon (Kolophon) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
  • Walter Helbig. Children Playing (Spielende Kinder) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1912, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Children Playing (Spielende Kinder) from 16...
    1912, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Children Playing (Spielende Kinder) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1912, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Cover (Bucheinband) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
    Walter Helbig
    Cover (Bucheinband) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    Walter Helbig. Cover (Bucheinband) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). (1926)
  • Walter Helbig. Landscape (Landschaft) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1912, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Landscape (Landschaft) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1912, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Landscape (Landschaft) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1912, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Bathers (Badende) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1913, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Bathers (Badende) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1913, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Bathers (Badende) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1913, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Nudes (Akte) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1915, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Nudes (Akte) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1915, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Nudes (Akte) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1915, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Sermon for the Birds (Vogelpredigt) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1916, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Sermon for the Birds (Vogelpredigt) from 16...
    1916, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Sermon for the Birds (Vogelpredigt) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1916, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Farewell (III.) (Abschied (Ill.)) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1917, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Farewell (III.) (Abschied (Ill.)) from 16...
    1917, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Farewell (III.) (Abschied (Ill.)) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1917, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.)) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1917, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.))...
    1917, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Annunciation (III.) (Verkündigung (Ill.)) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1917, published 1926
  • Walter Helbig. Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1918, published 1926
    Walter Helbig
    Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16...
    1918, published 1926
    Walter Helbig. Adoration (Anbetung) from 16 Woodcuts (16 Holzschnitte). 1918, published 1926
  • Moissey Kogan. Woman and Doe (Frau mit Reh). (1926)
    Moissey Kogan
    Woman and Doe (Frau mit Reh)
    Moissey Kogan. Woman and Doe (Frau mit Reh). (1926)
  • Moissey Kogan. Three Nudes (Drei Akte). (c. 1926-29)
    Moissey Kogan
    Three Nudes (Drei Akte)
    (c. 1926-29)
    Moissey Kogan. Three Nudes (Drei Akte). (c. 1926-29)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Alpine Dance (Almtanz) from the periodical in portfolio form Die Schaffenden , vol. 6, no. 2. printed 1926 (executed 1924, published 1929)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Alpine Dance (Almtanz) from the periodical in...
    printed 1926 (executed 1924, published 1929)
    Gerhard Marcks. Alpine Dance (Almtanz) from the periodical in portfolio form Die Schaffenden , vol. 6, no. 2. printed 1926 (executed 1924, published 1929)
  • Edmund Kesting. Cinema (Kino) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Der Sturm. Wochenschrift für Kultur und Künste, vol. 18, no. 1/2 (Apr 1927). 1927
    Edmund Kesting
    Cinema (Kino) (in-text plate, title page) from...
    Edmund Kesting. Cinema (Kino) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Der Sturm. Wochenschrift für Kultur und Künste, vol. 18, no. 1/2 (Apr 1927). 1927
  • Moissey Kogan. Cross-Legged Female Nude (Weiblicher Akt im Schneidersitz). (c. 1927-28)
    Moissey Kogan
    Cross-Legged Female Nude (Weiblicher Akt im...
    (c. 1927-28)
    Moissey Kogan. Cross-Legged Female Nude (Weiblicher Akt im Schneidersitz). (c. 1927-28)
  • Max Thalmann. In-text plate (title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 1, no. 9/10. 1927  (print executed 1926)
    Max Thalmann
    In-text plate (title page) from the...
    1927 (print executed 1926)
    Max Thalmann. In-text plate (title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 1, no. 9/10. 1927  (print executed 1926)
  • J. Fritz Zalisz. Carl Hauptmann (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 2, no. 1. 1928 (print executed 1926)
    J. Fritz Zalisz
    Carl Hauptmann (in-text plate, title page) from...
    1928 (print executed 1926)
    J. Fritz Zalisz. Carl Hauptmann (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 2, no. 1. 1928 (print executed 1926)
  • Paul Gangolf. Marseille, Steamboat in the Harbor (Marseille, Dampfer im Hafen) from the periodical in portfolio form Die Schaffenden, vol. 7, no. 2. (c.1929, published 1930)
    Paul Gangolf
    Marseille, Steamboat in the Harbor (Marseille...
    (c.1929, published 1930)
    Paul Gangolf. Marseille, Steamboat in the Harbor (Marseille, Dampfer im Hafen) from the periodical in portfolio form Die Schaffenden, vol. 7, no. 2. (c.1929, published 1930)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Large Cow Reclining (Grosse liegende Kuh). (1929)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Large Cow Reclining (Grosse liegende Kuh)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Large Cow Reclining (Grosse liegende Kuh). (1929)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Head of Hans Arp (Kopf Hans Arp). (1929)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Head of Hans Arp (Kopf Hans Arp)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Head of Hans Arp (Kopf Hans Arp). (1929)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Conversation (Unterhaltung). (1929)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Conversation (Unterhaltung)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Conversation (Unterhaltung). (1929)
  • Ewald Mataré. Nocturnal Pasture (Nächtliche Weide). (1929)
    Ewald Mataré
    Nocturnal Pasture (Nächtliche Weide)
    Ewald Mataré. Nocturnal Pasture (Nächtliche Weide). (1929)
  • Sella Hasse. Telegraph Workers (Telegrafenarbeiter) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 3, no. 1/2 (Feb 1930). 1930 (print executed 1929)
    Sella Hasse
    Telegraph Workers (Telegrafenarbeiter) (in-text...
    1930 (print executed 1929)
    Sella Hasse. Telegraph Workers (Telegrafenarbeiter) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 3, no. 1/2 (Feb 1930). 1930 (print executed 1929)
  • Fritz Neumann-Hegenberg. Lane (Gasse) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 2, no. 6 (Apr 1930). 1930 (print: date of execution unknown)
    Fritz Neumann-Hegenberg
    Lane (Gasse) (in-text plate, title page) from...
    1930 (print: date of execution unknown)
    Fritz Neumann-Hegenberg. Lane (Gasse) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 2, no. 6 (Apr 1930). 1930 (print: date of execution unknown)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Topsail Ketches, 1 (Toppsegel-Ketschen, 1). 1931
    Lyonel Feininger
    Topsail Ketches, 1 (Toppsegel-Ketschen, 1)
    Lyonel Feininger. Topsail Ketches, 1 (Toppsegel-Ketschen, 1). 1931
  • Erich Heckel. Cover from the exhibition catalogue Ausstellung Kunsthütte Chemnitz. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Cover from the exhibition catalogue...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Cover from the exhibition catalogue Ausstellung Kunsthütte Chemnitz. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Erich Heckel. Endpapers from the exhibition catalogue Ausstellung Kunsthütte Chemnitz. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Endpapers from the exhibition catalogue...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Endpapers from the exhibition catalogue Ausstellung Kunsthütte Chemnitz. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Erich Heckel. Cover from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Cover from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Cover from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Erich Heckel. Circus (Zirkus) (front endpapers) from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Circus (Zirkus) (front endpapers) from...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Circus (Zirkus) (front endpapers) from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Erich Heckel. Dancing Sailors (Tanzende Matrosen) (back endpapers) from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Dancing Sailors (Tanzende Matrosen) (back...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Dancing Sailors (Tanzende Matrosen) (back endpapers) from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Erich Heckel. Vignette from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Vignette from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Vignette from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Erich Heckel. Stadium (Stadion) (frontispiece) from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel
    Stadium (Stadion) (frontispiece) from...
    1931 (print executed 1930)
    Erich Heckel. Stadium (Stadion) (frontispiece) from Graphik der Gegenwart. Band 1. Erich Heckel. 1931 (print executed 1930)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Dancing Couple (Tanzpaar). (1932)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Dancing Couple (Tanzpaar)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Dancing Couple (Tanzpaar). (1932)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Sailing Ship with Pennant, Deep (Segelschiff mit Fähnchen, Deep). (1933)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Sailing Ship with Pennant, Deep (Segelschiff mit...
    Lyonel Feininger. Sailing Ship with Pennant, Deep (Segelschiff mit Fähnchen, Deep). (1933)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Church with Houses, Tree and Star, Deep (Kirche mit Häusern, Baum und Stern, Deep). (1933)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Church with Houses, Tree and Star, Deep (Kirche mit...
    Lyonel Feininger. Church with Houses, Tree and Star, Deep (Kirche mit Häusern, Baum und Stern, Deep). (1933)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Sailing Ship with Three Stars (Segelschiff mit drei Sternen). (1933)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Sailing Ship with Three Stars (Segelschiff mit drei...
    Lyonel Feininger. Sailing Ship with Three Stars (Segelschiff mit drei Sternen). (1933)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Head of Dr. Bauer (Kopf Dr. Bauer). (1933)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Head of Dr. Bauer (Kopf Dr. Bauer)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Head of Dr. Bauer (Kopf Dr. Bauer). (1933)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Self-Portrait with Erna (Selbstbildnis mit Erna). (1933)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Self-Portrait with Erna (Selbstbildnis mit Erna)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Self-Portrait with Erna (Selbstbildnis mit Erna). (1933)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Three Nudes in the Forest [counterproof]  (Drei Akte im Walde) [Umdruck]. (1933)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Three Nudes in the Forest [counterproof] ...
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Three Nudes in the Forest [counterproof]  (Drei Akte im Walde) [Umdruck]. (1933)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Three Nudes in the Forest (Drei Akte im Walde). (1933)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Three Nudes in the Forest (Drei Akte im Walde)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Three Nudes in the Forest (Drei Akte im Walde). (1933)
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Artist and Model (Maler und Modell). (1936)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Artist and Model (Maler und Modell)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Artist and Model (Maler und Modell). (1936)
  • Josef Scharl. Sunflowers in a Tall Vase (Sonnenblumen in hoher Vase). 1935
    Josef Scharl
    Sunflowers in a Tall Vase (Sonnenblumen in hoher...
    Josef Scharl. Sunflowers in a Tall Vase (Sonnenblumen in hoher Vase). 1935
  • Josef Scharl. Waiting Women (Wartende Frauen). 1935
    Josef Scharl
    Waiting Women (Wartende Frauen)
    Josef Scharl. Waiting Women (Wartende Frauen). 1935
  • Lyonel Feininger. Church with House and Tree (Kirche mit Haus und Baum). (1936)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Church with House and Tree (Kirche mit Haus und...
    Lyonel Feininger. Church with House and Tree (Kirche mit Haus und Baum). (1936)
  • Otto Freundlich. The Heart (Le Coeur). 1936
    Otto Freundlich
    The Heart (Le Coeur)
    Otto Freundlich. The Heart (Le Coeur). 1936
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Two Cats (Zwei Katzen). (1936)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
    Two Cats (Zwei Katzen)
    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Two Cats (Zwei Katzen). (1936)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Three-Masted Square-Rigger (Dreimastiges Rahschiff). (1937)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Three-Masted Square-Rigger (Dreimastiges...
    Lyonel Feininger. Three-Masted Square-Rigger (Dreimastiges Rahschiff). (1937)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Three-Masted Square-Rigger (Dreimastiges Rahschiff). (1937)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Three-Masted Square-Rigger (Dreimastiges...
    Lyonel Feininger. Three-Masted Square-Rigger (Dreimastiges Rahschiff). (1937)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Two-Masted Ship with Sun (Zweimastiges Schiff mit Sonne). (1937)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Two-Masted Ship with Sun (Zweimastiges Schiff mit...
    Lyonel Feininger. Two-Masted Ship with Sun (Zweimastiges Schiff mit Sonne). (1937)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Ships at Harbor Wharf (Schiffe am Hafenquai). (1937)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Ships at Harbor Wharf (Schiffe am Hafenquai)
    Lyonel Feininger. Ships at Harbor Wharf (Schiffe am Hafenquai). (1937)
  • Lyonel Feininger. Three-Master and Eight Men in a Harbor (Dreimaster und acht Männer im Hafen). (c. 1937)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Three-Master and Eight Men in a Harbor (Dreimaster...
    (c. 1937)
    Lyonel Feininger. Three-Master and Eight Men in a Harbor (Dreimaster und acht Männer im Hafen). (c. 1937)
  • Lasar Segall. Couple in the Mangue (Casal no Mangue) (plate 1, folio 9) from the illustrated book Mangue. 1941 (published 1943)
    Lasar Segall
    Couple in the Mangue (Casal no Mangue) (plate...
    1941 (published 1943)
    Lasar Segall. Couple in the Mangue (Casal no Mangue) (plate 1, folio 9) from the illustrated book Mangue. 1941 (published 1943)
  • Lasar Segall. Sensual Woman of the Mangue (Mulher do Mangue sentada)  from the portfolio Mangue. 1941 (published 1943)
    Lasar Segall
    Sensual Woman of the Mangue (Mulher do Mangue...
    1941 (published 1943)
    Lasar Segall. Sensual Woman of the Mangue (Mulher do Mangue sentada)  from the portfolio Mangue. 1941 (published 1943)
  • Lasar Segall. Group from the Mangue (Grupo do Mangue) (folio 11) from the portfolio Mangue. 1941 (published 1943)
    Lasar Segall
    Group from the Mangue (Grupo do Mangue) (folio...
    1941 (published 1943)
    Lasar Segall. Group from the Mangue (Grupo do Mangue) (folio 11) from the portfolio Mangue. 1941 (published 1943)
  • Vasily Kandinsky. Plate (folio 12) from 10 Origin. 1942
    Vasily Kandinsky
    Plate (folio 12) from 10 Origin
    Vasily Kandinsky. Plate (folio 12) from 10 Origin. 1942
  • Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack. Corio. 1943
    Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack
    Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack. Corio. 1943
  • Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack. Corio. (1943)
    Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack
    Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack. Corio. (1943)
  • Otto Pankok. Barlach II. 1943
    Otto Pankok
    Barlach II
    Otto Pankok. Barlach II. 1943
  • Gerhard Marcks. Orpheus in the Underworld (Orpheus in der Unterwelt) from the portfolio Orpheus: 10 Woodcuts on the Verses of Ovid (10 Holzschnitte zu den Versen des Ovid). (1947, published in 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Orpheus in the Underworld (Orpheus in der...
    (1947, published in 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks. Orpheus in the Underworld (Orpheus in der Unterwelt) from the portfolio Orpheus: 10 Woodcuts on the Verses of Ovid (10 Holzschnitte zu den Versen des Ovid). (1947, published in 1948)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Death by the Maenads (Tod durch die Mänaden) from the portfolio Orpheus: 10 Woodcuts on the Verses of Ovid (10 Holzschnitte zu den Versen des Ovid). (1947, published in 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Death by the Maenads (Tod durch die Mänaden)...
    (1947, published in 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks. Death by the Maenads (Tod durch die Mänaden) from the portfolio Orpheus: 10 Woodcuts on the Verses of Ovid (10 Holzschnitte zu den Versen des Ovid). (1947, published in 1948)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Singing Orpheus (Singender Orpheus) from the portfolio Orpheus: 10 Woodcuts on the Verses of Ovid (10 Holzschnitte zu den Versen des Ovid). (1947, published in 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Singing Orpheus (Singender Orpheus) from the...
    (1947, published in 1948)
    Gerhard Marcks. Singing Orpheus (Singender Orpheus) from the portfolio Orpheus: 10 Woodcuts on the Verses of Ovid (10 Holzschnitte zu den Versen des Ovid). (1947, published in 1948)
  • Ewald Mataré. Three Cows (Drei Kühe). (1947)
    Ewald Mataré
    Three Cows (Drei Kühe)
    Ewald Mataré. Three Cows (Drei Kühe). (1947)
  • Erich Heckel. Mountains (Berge). 1948
    Erich Heckel
    Mountains (Berge)
    Erich Heckel. Mountains (Berge). 1948
  • Gerhard Marcks. Vampire (Vampir). (1948)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Vampire (Vampir)
    Gerhard Marcks. Vampire (Vampir). (1948)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Hawk with Nightingale in His Claws (Habicht mit Nachtigall in den Fängen) (headpiece, page 5) from Aesop's Fables (Tierfabeln des Aesop). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Hawk with Nightingale in His Claws (Habicht mit...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Hawk with Nightingale in His Claws (Habicht mit Nachtigall in den Fängen) (headpiece, page 5) from Aesop's Fables (Tierfabeln des Aesop). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Eagle in a Nest (Adler auf dem Nest III) and Fox with Young Eagle (Fuchs mit Adlerjungen) (in-text plates, page 18) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Eagle in a Nest (Adler auf dem Nest III) and...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Eagle in a Nest (Adler auf dem Nest III) and Fox with Young Eagle (Fuchs mit Adlerjungen) (in-text plates, page 18) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Hawk in Flight (Habicht im Fluge) (in-text plate, page 19) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Hawk in Flight (Habicht im Fluge) (in-text...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Hawk in Flight (Habicht im Fluge) (in-text plate, page 19) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Fox and Flask (Fuchs und Flasche) and Crane (Kranich) (in-text plates, page 21) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Fox and Flask (Fuchs und Flasche) and Crane...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Fox and Flask (Fuchs und Flasche) and Crane (Kranich) (in-text plates, page 21) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Head of a Goat (Kopf eines Ziegenbocks) (in-text plate, page 22) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Head of a Goat (Kopf eines Ziegenbocks)...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Head of a Goat (Kopf eines Ziegenbocks) (in-text plate, page 22) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Tortoise (Schildkröte) (in-text plate, page 23) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Tortoise (Schildkröte) (in-text plate...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Tortoise (Schildkröte) (in-text plate, page 23) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Goat at the Vine (Ziegenbock am Rebstock) (in-text plate, page 25) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Goat at the Vine (Ziegenbock am Rebstock)...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Goat at the Vine (Ziegenbock am Rebstock) (in-text plate, page 25) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Horse (Pferd) and Stag's Head (Hirschkopf) (in-text plates, page 27) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Horse (Pferd) and Stag's Head (Hirschkopf)...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Horse (Pferd) and Stag's Head (Hirschkopf) (in-text plates, page 27) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Cicada (Zikade) and Ant (Ameise) (in-text plates, page 28) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Cicada (Zikade) and Ant (Ameise)...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Cicada (Zikade) and Ant (Ameise) (in-text plates, page 28) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Crow with Peacock Feathers (Krähe mit Pfauenfedern) (in-text plate (page 29) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Crow with Peacock Feathers (Krähe mit...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Crow with Peacock Feathers (Krähe mit Pfauenfedern) (in-text plate (page 29) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Reclining Lion (Liegender Löwe) and Fox (Fuchs) (in-text plates, page 30) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Reclining Lion (Liegender Löwe) and Fox...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Reclining Lion (Liegender Löwe) and Fox (Fuchs) (in-text plates, page 30) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Eagle with a Rabbit in His Claws (Adler mit Hasen in den Fängen) (headpiece, page 7) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Eagle with a Rabbit in His Claws (Adler mit Hasen...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Eagle with a Rabbit in His Claws (Adler mit Hasen in den Fängen) (headpiece, page 7) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Dolphin (Delphin) (tailpiece, page 32) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Dolphin (Delphin) (tailpiece, page 32) from...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Dolphin (Delphin) (tailpiece, page 32) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Old Lion (Alter Löwe) (in-text plate, page 9) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Old Lion (Alter Löwe) (in-text plate, page...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Old Lion (Alter Löwe) (in-text plate, page 9) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Stag (Hirsch) (in-text plate, page 10) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Stag (Hirsch) (in-text plate, page 10) from...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Stag (Hirsch) (in-text plate, page 10) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Snake (Schlange) (in-text plate, page 11) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Snake (Schlange) (in-text plate, page 11)...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Snake (Schlange) (in-text plate, page 11) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Wolf (Wolf) and Lamb (Lamm) (in-text plates, page 12) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Wolf (Wolf) and Lamb (Lamm) (in-text...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Wolf (Wolf) and Lamb (Lamm) (in-text plates, page 12) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Owl (Eule) and Birds II (Vögel II) (headpiece and in-text plate, page 14) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Owl (Eule) and Birds II (Vögel II)...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Owl (Eule) and Birds II (Vögel II) (headpiece and in-text plate, page 14) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Cat (Katze) (in-text plate, page 15) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Cat (Katze) (in-text plate, page 15) from...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Cat (Katze) (in-text plate, page 15) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Dog (Hund) (in-text plate, page 17) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Dog (Hund) (in-text plate, page 17) from...
    (1950, print executed 1949-50)
    Gerhard Marcks. Dog (Hund) (in-text plate, page 17) from Tierfabeln des Aesop (Aesop's Fables). (1950, print executed 1949-50)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Running Cat (Laufende Katze). 1949
    Gerhard Marcks
    Running Cat (Laufende Katze)
    Gerhard Marcks. Running Cat (Laufende Katze). 1949
  • Ewald Mataré. Two Horses (Zwei Pferde). (1949)
    Ewald Mataré
    Two Horses (Zwei Pferde)
    Ewald Mataré. Two Horses (Zwei Pferde). (1949)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Title page from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Title page from Jonah (Jona)
    Gerhard Marcks. Title page from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn)...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah...
    Gerhard Marcks. Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als Bußprediger) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als Bußprediger) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Title page from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Title page from Jonah (Jona)
    Gerhard Marcks. Title page from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn)...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Epiphany (Die Erscheinung des Herrn) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet Jonah (Der Prophet Jona) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah...
    Gerhard Marcks. Ship in a Storm (Schiff im Sturm) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Big Fish (Der große Fisch) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. The City Nineveh (Die Stadt Ninive) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als Bußprediger) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Prophet When Giving a Sermon (Der Prophet als Bußprediger) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from...
    Gerhard Marcks. Jonah in Despair (Jona in Verzweiflung) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah...
    Gerhard Marcks. The Gourd (Der Kürbis) from Jonah (Jona). (1950)
  • Jakob Steinhardt. Grotesque IV (Groteske IV). 1950
    Jakob Steinhardt
    Grotesque IV (Groteske IV)
    Jakob Steinhardt. Grotesque IV (Groteske IV). 1950
  • Jakob Steinhardt. The Evil (Das Übel). 1950
    Jakob Steinhardt
    The Evil (Das Übel)
    Jakob Steinhardt. The Evil (Das Übel). 1950
  • Erich Heckel. Large Cloud (Grosse Wolke). 1951
    Erich Heckel
    Large Cloud (Grosse Wolke)
    Erich Heckel. Large Cloud (Grosse Wolke). 1951
  • Gerhard Marcks. La Farucca II. (1951, printed 1952)
    Gerhard Marcks
    La Farucca II
    (1951, printed 1952)
    Gerhard Marcks. La Farucca II. (1951, printed 1952)
  • Ewald Mataré. Double Chicken (Doppelhuhn). (1951)
    Ewald Mataré
    Double Chicken (Doppelhuhn)
    Ewald Mataré. Double Chicken (Doppelhuhn). (1951)
  • Jakob Steinhardt. Grotesque VIII (Groteske VIII). 1951
    Jakob Steinhardt
    Grotesque VIII (Groteske VIII)
    Jakob Steinhardt. Grotesque VIII (Groteske VIII). 1951
  • Jakob Steinhardt. Jonah Is Spit Out (Jona wird ausgespuckt). 1951
    Jakob Steinhardt
    Jonah Is Spit Out (Jona wird ausgespuckt)
    Jakob Steinhardt. Jonah Is Spit Out (Jona wird ausgespuckt). 1951
  • Erich Heckel. Magician (Memory of Paul Klee) (Zauberkünstler [Erinnerung an Paul Klee]). 1956
    Erich Heckel
    Magician (Memory of Paul Klee) (Zauberkünstler...
    Erich Heckel. Magician (Memory of Paul Klee) (Zauberkünstler [Erinnerung an Paul Klee]). 1956
  • Gerhard Marcks. Tower of Babel (Turm zu Babel) (plate, page 13) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks
    Tower of Babel (Turm zu Babel) (plate, page 13)...
    1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks. Tower of Babel (Turm zu Babel) (plate, page 13) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The Leader (Der Anführer) (plate, page 17) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The Leader (Der Anführer) (plate, page 17)...
    1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks. The Leader (Der Anführer) (plate, page 17) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
  • Gerhard Marcks. The City of God (Die Stadt Gottes) (plate, page 23) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks
    The City of God (Die Stadt Gottes) (plate, page...
    1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks. The City of God (Die Stadt Gottes) (plate, page 23) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
  • Gerhard Marcks. God, The Father (Gottvater) (plate, page 27) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks
    God, The Father (Gottvater) (plate, page 27)...
    1957 (print executed 1956)
    Gerhard Marcks. God, The Father (Gottvater) (plate, page 27) from The Tower of Babel. 1957 (print executed 1956)
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