German Expressionism

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Wilhelm Lehmbruck (German, 1881–1919)

Showing item in 1 - 29 of 29
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Reclining Girl (Sea Mood) [Ruhendes Mädchen (Meeresstimmung)]. (1910, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Reclining Girl (Sea Mood) [Ruhendes Mädchen...
    (1910, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Reclining Girl (Sea Mood) [Ruhendes Mädchen (Meeresstimmung)]. (1910, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Mother and Child (kneeling, full) [Mutter und Kind (kniend ganz)]. (1910, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Mother and Child (kneeling, full) [Mutter und Kind...
    (1910, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Mother and Child (kneeling, full) [Mutter und Kind (kniend ganz)]. (1910, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Kneeling Woman, Small (Kniende, klein). (1910)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Kneeling Woman, Small (Kniende, klein)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Kneeling Woman, Small (Kniende, klein). (1910)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Rape I, woman full figure (Raub I, Weib ganz). (1911)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Rape I, woman full figure (Raub I, Weib ganz)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Rape I, woman full figure (Raub I, Weib ganz). (1911)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. John the Baptist (Johannes). (1911, printed  1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    John the Baptist (Johannes)
    (1911, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. John the Baptist (Johannes). (1911, printed  1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Young Man, Half Nude, Turning (Jünglings-Halbakt, sich umwendend). (1911, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Young Man, Half Nude, Turning...
    (1911, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Young Man, Half Nude, Turning (Jünglings-Halbakt, sich umwendend). (1911, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Contemplative Girl (small, full) [Sinnendes Mädchen (klein, ganz)]. (1911)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Contemplative Girl (small, full) [Sinnendes...
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Contemplative Girl (small, full) [Sinnendes Mädchen (klein, ganz)]. (1911)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Female Nude from the Back, Looking Out (Weiblicher Rückenakt, ausschauend). (1911)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Female Nude from the Back, Looking Out (Weiblicher...
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Female Nude from the Back, Looking Out (Weiblicher Rückenakt, ausschauend). (1911)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Dance (Tanz). (1911)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Dance (Tanz)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Dance (Tanz). (1911)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Study Sheet: Latin Quarter (Studienblatt: Quartier Latin). (1911, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Study Sheet: Latin Quarter (Studienblatt: Quartier...
    (1911, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Study Sheet: Latin Quarter (Studienblatt: Quartier Latin). (1911, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Penitent (Büßer). (1912, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Penitent (Büßer)
    (1912, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Penitent (Büßer). (1912, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Man Ascending (Emporsteigender Mann). (1912-1913, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Man Ascending (Emporsteigender Mann)
    (1912-1913, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Man Ascending (Emporsteigender Mann). (1912-1913, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Seated Girl with Bent Head (Sitzendes Mädchen, Kopf geneigt). (1912)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Seated Girl with Bent Head (Sitzendes Mädchen...
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Seated Girl with Bent Head (Sitzendes Mädchen, Kopf geneigt). (1912)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Female Torso, Tilted Head (Weiblicher Torso, Kopf geneigt). (1912)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Female Torso, Tilted Head (Weiblicher Torso, Kopf...
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Female Torso, Tilted Head (Weiblicher Torso, Kopf geneigt). (1912)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Female Nude with Male Heads (Weiblicher Akt mit Männerköpfen). (1912)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Female Nude with Male Heads (Weiblicher Akt mit...
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Female Nude with Male Heads (Weiblicher Akt mit Männerköpfen). (1912)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Sleeping Girl (Schlafendes Mädchen). (1913, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Sleeping Girl (Schlafendes Mädchen)
    (1913, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Sleeping Girl (Schlafendes Mädchen). (1913, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Three Women: Two Standing, One Kneeling (Drei Frauen, zwei stehend, eine kniend). (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Three Women: Two Standing, One Kneeling (Drei...
    (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Three Women: Two Standing, One Kneeling (Drei Frauen, zwei stehend, eine kniend). (1914, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Contemplative Man (Sinnender Mann). (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Contemplative Man (Sinnender Mann)
    (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Contemplative Man (Sinnender Mann). (1914, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. The Slave (Die Sklavin). (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    The Slave (Die Sklavin)
    (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. The Slave (Die Sklavin). (1914, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Cowering Woman III (Kauernde III). (1914?, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Cowering Woman III (Kauernde III)
    (1914?, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Cowering Woman III (Kauernde III). (1914?, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Apparition. (1914)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Apparition. (1914)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Flood (Überschwemmung). (1914)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Flood (Überschwemmung)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Flood (Überschwemmung). (1914)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Passion II (Leidenschaft II). (1914)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Passion II (Leidenschaft II)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Passion II (Leidenschaft II). (1914)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Striding Man (Large) (Schreitender Mann, groß). (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Striding Man (Large) (Schreitender Mann...
    (1914, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Striding Man (Large) (Schreitender Mann, groß). (1914, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Potiphar's Wife (Potiphars Weib). (1914)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Potiphar's Wife (Potiphars Weib)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Potiphar's Wife (Potiphars Weib). (1914)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Mother and Child, Small (Mutter und Kind, klein). (1915, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Mother and Child, Small (Mutter und Kind, klein)
    (1915, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Mother and Child, Small (Mutter und Kind, klein). (1915, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Woman Knitting (Strickende Frau). (1915, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Woman Knitting (Strickende Frau)
    (1915, printed 1920)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Woman Knitting (Strickende Frau). (1915, printed 1920)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Mother and Child, Small (Mutter und Kind, klein). (1915)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Mother and Child, Small (Mutter und Kind, klein)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Mother and Child, Small (Mutter und Kind, klein). (1915)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Macbeth V (annual print for the Association of the Friends of the Marées-Society). (1918, posthumously published 1920/21)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck
    Macbeth V (annual print for the Association of...
    (1918, posthumously published 1920/21)
    Wilhelm Lehmbruck. Macbeth V (annual print for the Association of the Friends of the Marées-Society). (1918, posthumously published 1920/21)
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