German Expressionism

Works from the Collection

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Paul Klee (German, born Switzerland. 1879–1940)

Showing item in 1 - 24 of 24
  • Paul Klee. Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
    Paul Klee
    Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the...
    Paul Klee. Virgin in the Tree (Jungfrau im Baum) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
  • Paul Klee. Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank (Zwei Männer, einander in höherer Stellung vermutend, begegnen sich) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
    Paul Klee
    Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of...
    Paul Klee. Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank (Zwei Männer, einander in höherer Stellung vermutend, begegnen sich) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1903
  • Paul Klee. Comedian (Komiker) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
    Paul Klee
    Comedian (Komiker) from the series...
    Paul Klee. Comedian (Komiker) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
  • Paul Klee. A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt vor der Krone) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
    Paul Klee
    A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt...
    Paul Klee. A Man Sinking Before the Crown (Ein Mann versinkt vor der Krone) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
  • Paul Klee. Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus [Der Witz hat über das Leid gesiegt]) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
    Paul Klee
    Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus...
    Paul Klee. Perseus (Wit Has Triumphed over Grief) (Perseus [Der Witz hat über das Leid gesiegt]) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1904
  • Paul Klee. Menacing Head (Drohendes Haupt) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
    Paul Klee
    Menacing Head (Drohendes Haupt) from the...
    Paul Klee. Menacing Head (Drohendes Haupt) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
  • Paul Klee. Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the Wing) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
    Paul Klee
    Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the...
    Paul Klee. Der Held mit dem Flügel (The Hero with the Wing) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
  • Paul Klee. Aged Phoenix (Greiser Phoenix) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
    Paul Klee
    Aged Phoenix (Greiser Phoenix) from the...
    Paul Klee. Aged Phoenix (Greiser Phoenix) from the series Inventions (Inventionen). 1905
  • Paul Klee. Railroad Station (Bahnhof). 1911
    Paul Klee
    Railroad Station (Bahnhof)
    Paul Klee. Railroad Station (Bahnhof). 1911
  • Paul Klee. At the Window (Am Fenster). 1912
    Paul Klee
    At the Window (Am Fenster)
    Paul Klee. At the Window (Am Fenster). 1912
  • Paul Klee. Street Children (Gassenkinder). 1912
    Paul Klee
    Street Children (Gassenkinder)
    Paul Klee. Street Children (Gassenkinder). 1912
  • Paul Klee. Tragedy on Stilts (Tragödie auf Stelzen). 1912
    Paul Klee
    Tragedy on Stilts (Tragödie auf Stelzen)
    Paul Klee. Tragedy on Stilts (Tragödie auf Stelzen). 1912
  • Paul Klee. Street Children (Gassenkinder). 1912
    Paul Klee
    Street Children (Gassenkinder)
    Paul Klee. Street Children (Gassenkinder). 1912
  • Paul Klee. Little Castle in the Air (Luftschlösschen). 1915
    Paul Klee
    Little Castle in the Air (Luftschlösschen)
    Paul Klee. Little Castle in the Air (Luftschlösschen). 1915
  • Paul Klee , Munich. Reflecting Window (Spiegelndes Fenster). 1915
    Paul Klee , Munich
    Reflecting Window (Spiegelndes Fenster)
    Paul Klee , Munich. Reflecting Window (Spiegelndes Fenster). 1915
  • Paul Klee. Giant Aphid (Riesenblattlaus). (1920)
    Paul Klee
    Giant Aphid (Riesenblattlaus)
    Paul Klee. Giant Aphid (Riesenblattlaus). (1920)
  • Paul Klee. Steamer at Lugano (Dampfer vor Lugano). 1922
    Paul Klee
    Steamer at Lugano (Dampfer vor Lugano)
    Paul Klee. Steamer at Lugano (Dampfer vor Lugano). 1922
  • Paul Klee. Vulgar Comedy (Vulgäre Komödie). 1922
    Paul Klee
    Vulgar Comedy (Vulgäre Komödie)
    Paul Klee. Vulgar Comedy (Vulgäre Komödie). 1922
  • Paul Klee. Buffoonery (Narretei). 1922
    Paul Klee
    Buffoonery (Narretei)
    Paul Klee. Buffoonery (Narretei). 1922
  • Paul Klee. Singer of the Comic Opera (Die Sängerin der komischen Oper). 1925
    Paul Klee
    Singer of the Comic Opera (Die Sängerin der...
    Paul Klee. Singer of the Comic Opera (Die Sängerin der komischen Oper). 1925
  • Paul Klee. Juggler in April (Gaukler im April). 1928
    Paul Klee
    Juggler in April (Gaukler im April)
    Paul Klee. Juggler in April (Gaukler im April). 1928
  • Paul Klee. Height! (Höhe!). 1928
    Paul Klee
    Height! (Höhe!)
    Paul Klee. Height! (Höhe!). 1928
  • Paul Klee. Underbrush (Gestrüpp). 1928
    Paul Klee
    Underbrush (Gestrüpp)
    Paul Klee. Underbrush (Gestrüpp). 1928
  • Paul Klee. Prickle the Clown (Stachel der Clown). 1931
    Paul Klee
    Prickle the Clown (Stachel der Clown)
    Paul Klee. Prickle the Clown (Stachel der Clown). 1931
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