German Expressionism

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A. Wohlfeld

Showing item in 1 - 67 of 67
  • Erich Heckel. Spring Landscape (Frühlingslandschaft) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918). 1918 (executed 1913)
    Erich Heckel
    Spring Landscape (Frühlingslandschaft)...
    1918 (executed 1913)
    Erich Heckel. Spring Landscape (Frühlingslandschaft) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918). 1918 (executed 1913)
  • Erich Heckel. Madmen Eating (Irre beim Essen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 2 (Feb 1917). 1917 (executed 1914)
    Erich Heckel
    Madmen Eating (Irre beim Essen) (plate, loose...
    1917 (executed 1914)
    Erich Heckel. Madmen Eating (Irre beim Essen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 2 (Feb 1917). 1917 (executed 1914)
  • Jakob (Jack) Friedrich Bollschweiler. Kneeling Girl (Knieendes Mädchen)  (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 12 (Dec 1917). 1917
    Jakob (Jack) Friedrich Bollschweiler
    Kneeling Girl (Knieendes Mädchen) (plate...
    Jakob (Jack) Friedrich Bollschweiler. Kneeling Girl (Knieendes Mädchen)  (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 12 (Dec 1917). 1917
  • Heinrich Campendonk. Frogs and Butterfly (Frösche und Schmetterling) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 8 (Aug 1917). 1917
    Heinrich Campendonk
    Frogs and Butterfly (Frösche und...
    Heinrich Campendonk. Frogs and Butterfly (Frösche und Schmetterling) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 8 (Aug 1917). 1917
  • Heinrich Campendonk. Girl with Frogs (Mädchen mit Fröschen) (plate, preceding p. 225) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 8 (Aug 1917). 1917
    Heinrich Campendonk
    Girl with Frogs (Mädchen mit Fröschen)...
    Heinrich Campendonk. Girl with Frogs (Mädchen mit Fröschen) (plate, preceding p. 225) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 8 (Aug 1917). 1917
  • Lyonel Feininger. Fishing Boat in the Rain (Fischerboot im Regen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 3 (Mar 1917). 1917
    Lyonel Feininger
    Fishing Boat in the Rain (Fischerboot im Regen)...
    Lyonel Feininger. Fishing Boat in the Rain (Fischerboot im Regen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 3 (Mar 1917). 1917
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Conrad Felixmüller. Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Walter Gramatté. Barracks (Kaserne) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 9 (Sep 1917). 1917 (executed 1916)
    Walter Gramatté
    Barracks (Kaserne) (plate, loose leaf) from the...
    1917 (executed 1916)
    Walter Gramatté. Barracks (Kaserne) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 9 (Sep 1917). 1917 (executed 1916)
  • Hannah Höch. The Prophet Matthew (Der Prophet Matthäus) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 4 (Apr 1917). 1917
    Hannah Höch
    The Prophet Matthew (Der Prophet Matthäus)...
    Hannah Höch. The Prophet Matthew (Der Prophet Matthäus) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 4 (Apr 1917). 1917
  • Walther Klemm. Small Town (Kleinstadt) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 5 (May 1917). 1917
    Walther Klemm
    Small Town (Kleinstadt) (plate, loose leaf)...
    Walther Klemm. Small Town (Kleinstadt) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 5 (May 1917). 1917
  • Walther Klemm. Ducks (Enten) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 5 (May 1917). 1917
    Walther Klemm
    Ducks (Enten) (plate, preceding p. 129) from...
    Walther Klemm. Ducks (Enten) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 5 (May 1917). 1917
  • Oskar Kokoschka. Käthe Richter (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 10 (Oct 1917). 1917
    Oskar Kokoschka
    Käthe Richter (plate, loose leaf) from the...
    Oskar Kokoschka. Käthe Richter (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 10 (Oct 1917). 1917
  • Oskar Kokoschka. Käthe Richter (Head, Slightly Tilted Back) [Käthe Richter (Kopf, leicht zurückgeneigt)] (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 10 (Oct 1917). 1917
    Oskar Kokoschka
    Käthe Richter (Head, Slightly Tilted Back)...
    Oskar Kokoschka. Käthe Richter (Head, Slightly Tilted Back) [Käthe Richter (Kopf, leicht zurückgeneigt)] (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 10 (Oct 1917). 1917
  • Otto Lange. Foxes (Füchse) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 11 (Nov 1917). 1917
    Otto Lange
    Foxes (Füchse) (plate, loose leaf) from...
    Otto Lange. Foxes (Füchse) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 11 (Nov 1917). 1917
  • Otto Lange. Portrait (Porträt) (plate, preceding p. 321) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no.11 (Nov 1917). 1917
    Otto Lange
    Portrait (Porträt) (plate, preceding p...
    Otto Lange. Portrait (Porträt) (plate, preceding p. 321) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no.11 (Nov 1917). 1917
  • Ludwig Meidner. Portrait of Paul Westheim (I) (Bildnis Paul Westheim [I]) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 6 (Jun 1917). 1917
    Ludwig Meidner
    Portrait of Paul Westheim (I) (Bildnis Paul...
    Ludwig Meidner. Portrait of Paul Westheim (I) (Bildnis Paul Westheim [I]) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 6 (Jun 1917). 1917
  • Emil Nolde. Madonna (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan 1917). 1917
    Emil Nolde
    Madonna (plate, loose leaf) from the...
    Emil Nolde. Madonna (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan 1917). 1917
  • Max Pechstein. Mother (Mutter) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 6 (Jun 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Max Pechstein
    Mother (Mutter) (plate, loose leaf) from the...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Max Pechstein. Mother (Mutter) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 6 (Jun 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Max Pechstein. Infant (Säugling) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 6 (Jun 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Max Pechstein
    Infant (Säugling) (plate, preceding p...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Max Pechstein. Infant (Säugling) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 6 (Jun 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Christian Rohlfs. Death with a Coffin (Tod mit Sarg) (plate, preceding p. 265) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 9 (Sep 1918). 1918 (executed c. 1917)
    Christian Rohlfs
    Death with a Coffin (Tod mit Sarg) (plate...
    1918 (executed c. 1917)
    Christian Rohlfs. Death with a Coffin (Tod mit Sarg) (plate, preceding p. 265) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 9 (Sep 1918). 1918 (executed c. 1917)
  • Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Couple (Menschenpaar) (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 2 (Feb 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
    Couple (Menschenpaar) (plate, preceding p. 33)...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Couple (Menschenpaar) (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 2 (Feb 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Wilhelm Schmid. Singer (Sängerin) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 3 (Mar 1917). 1917
    Wilhelm Schmid
    Singer (Sängerin) (plate, preceding p. 65)...
    Wilhelm Schmid. Singer (Sängerin) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 3 (Mar 1917). 1917
  • Georg Schrimpf. Untitled (Girl with Doves) [Ohne Titel (Mädchen mit Tauben)] (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 2 (Feb 1917). 1917
    Georg Schrimpf
    Untitled (Girl with Doves) [Ohne Titel...
    Georg Schrimpf. Untitled (Girl with Doves) [Ohne Titel (Mädchen mit Tauben)] (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 2 (Feb 1917). 1917
  • Paul Adolf Seehaus. Bridge (Brücke) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 10 (Oct 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Paul Adolf Seehaus
    Bridge (Brücke) (plate, loose leaf) from...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Paul Adolf Seehaus. Bridge (Brücke) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 10 (Oct 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Milly Steger. Caryatid (Karyatide) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 7 (Jul 1917). 1917
    Milly Steger
    Caryatid (Karyatide) (plate, loose leaf) from...
    Milly Steger. Caryatid (Karyatide) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 7 (Jul 1917). 1917
  • Milly Steger. Resurrection (Auferstehen) (plate, preceding p. 193) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 7 (Jul 1917). 1917
    Milly Steger
    Resurrection (Auferstehen) (plate, preceding p...
    Milly Steger. Resurrection (Auferstehen) (plate, preceding p. 193) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 7 (Jul 1917). 1917
  • Stanislaus Stückgold. Fulfillment (Erfüllung) (plate, preceding p. 257) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 9 (Sep 1917). 1917
    Stanislaus Stückgold
    Fulfillment (Erfüllung) (plate, preceding...
    Stanislaus Stückgold. Fulfillment (Erfüllung) (plate, preceding p. 257) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 9 (Sep 1917). 1917
  • Various Artists. Das Kunstblatt. 1917-1932
    Various Artists
    Das Kunstblatt
    Various Artists. Das Kunstblatt. 1917-1932
  • Ludwig Wachlmeier (or Aloys Ludwig Wach). In Front of the Café (Vor dem Café) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 6 (Jun 1917). 1917
    Ludwig Wachlmeier (or Aloys Ludwig Wach)
    In Front of the Café (Vor dem Café)...
    Ludwig Wachlmeier (or Aloys Ludwig Wach). In Front of the Café (Vor dem Café) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 6 (Jun 1917). 1917
  • Heinrich Campendonk. Peasants Strolling (Bauerngang) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 4 (Apr 1918). 1918
    Heinrich Campendonk
    Peasants Strolling (Bauerngang) (plate, loose...
    Heinrich Campendonk. Peasants Strolling (Bauerngang) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 4 (Apr 1918). 1918
  • Otto Gleichmann. Transience (Vergänglichkeit) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 5 (May 1918). 1918
    Otto Gleichmann
    Transience (Vergänglichkeit) (plate, loose...
    Otto Gleichmann. Transience (Vergänglichkeit) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 5 (May 1918). 1918
  • Werner Gothein. Kiss (Kuss) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 5 (May 1918). 1918
    Werner Gothein
    Kiss (Kuss) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the...
    Werner Gothein. Kiss (Kuss) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 5 (May 1918). 1918
  • Walter Gramatté. Sick Man with Flowers (Der Kranke mit den Blumen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 11 (Nov 1918). 1918
    Walter Gramatté
    Sick Man with Flowers (Der Kranke mit den Blumen)...
    Walter Gramatté. Sick Man with Flowers (Der Kranke mit den Blumen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 11 (Nov 1918). 1918
  • Max Gubler. Commune (Kommune) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 7 (Jul 1918). 1918
    Max Gubler
    Commune (Kommune) (plate, loose leaf) from the...
    Max Gubler. Commune (Kommune) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 7 (Jul 1918). 1918
  • August Macke. Composition (3 Nudes) [Komposition (3 Akte)] (plate, preceding p. 79) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 4 (Apr 1918). 1918 (executed 1912)
    August Macke
    Composition (3 Nudes) [Komposition (3 Akte)]...
    1918 (executed 1912)
    August Macke. Composition (3 Nudes) [Komposition (3 Akte)] (plate, preceding p. 79) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 4 (Apr 1918). 1918 (executed 1912)
  • Ludwig Meidner. Portrait-Sketch: Portrait of Franz Pfemfert (Porträt-Skizze: Bildnis Franz Pfemfert) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 3 (Mar 1918). 1918
    Ludwig Meidner
    Portrait-Sketch: Portrait of Franz Pfemfert...
    Ludwig Meidner. Portrait-Sketch: Portrait of Franz Pfemfert (Porträt-Skizze: Bildnis Franz Pfemfert) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 3 (Mar 1918). 1918
  • Ludwig Meidner. Prayer (Gebet) (plate, preceding p. 361) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 12 (Dec 1918). 1918
    Ludwig Meidner
    Prayer (Gebet) (plate, preceding p. 361) from...
    Ludwig Meidner. Prayer (Gebet) (plate, preceding p. 361) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 12 (Dec 1918). 1918
  • Christian Rohlfs. The Good Shepherd (Der gute Hirte) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 9 (Sep 1918). 1918 (executed c. 1911)
    Christian Rohlfs
    The Good Shepherd (Der gute Hirte) (plate...
    1918 (executed c. 1911)
    Christian Rohlfs. The Good Shepherd (Der gute Hirte) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 9 (Sep 1918). 1918 (executed c. 1911)
  • Fritz Schaefler. Traveling Circus (Wanderzirkus) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 12 (Dec 1918). 1918
    Fritz Schaefler
    Traveling Circus (Wanderzirkus) (plate, loose...
    Fritz Schaefler. Traveling Circus (Wanderzirkus) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 12 (Dec 1918). 1918
  • Edwin Scharff. Two Men On a Boat (Zwei Männer im Boot) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical  Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 8 (Aug 1918). 1918
    Edwin Scharff
    Two Men On a Boat (Zwei Männer im Boot)...
    Edwin Scharff. Two Men On a Boat (Zwei Männer im Boot) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical  Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 8 (Aug 1918). 1918
  • Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Girl with Braids (Mädchen mit Zöpfen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 2 (Feb 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
    Girl with Braids (Mädchen mit Zöpfen)...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Girl with Braids (Mädchen mit Zöpfen) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 2 (Feb 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Georg Schrimpf. Nude IX (Akt IX) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 3 (Mar 1918). 1918 (executed 1916)
    Georg Schrimpf
    Nude IX (Akt IX) (plate, preceding p. 65) from...
    1918 (executed 1916)
    Georg Schrimpf. Nude IX (Akt IX) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 3 (Mar 1918). 1918 (executed 1916)
  • Max Burchartz. Two Men (Zwei Männer) (plate, preceding p. 225) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 8 (Aug 1919). 1919
    Max Burchartz
    Two Men (Zwei Männer) (plate, preceding p...
    Max Burchartz. Two Men (Zwei Männer) (plate, preceding p. 225) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 8 (Aug 1919). 1919
  • Heinrich Campendonk. Seated Man (Sitzender Mann) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 6 (June 1919). 1919
    Heinrich Campendonk
    Seated Man (Sitzender Mann) (plate, preceding...
    Heinrich Campendonk. Seated Man (Sitzender Mann) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 6 (June 1919). 1919
  • André Derain. Still Life (Stilleben) (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 10 (Oct 1919). 1919
    André Derain
    Still Life (Stilleben) (plate, preceding p...
    André Derain. Still Life (Stilleben) (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 10 (Oct 1919). 1919
  • Lyonel Feininger. Boats at the Dock (Schiffe am Hafenquai) (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 2 (Feb 1919). 1919  (print executed 1918)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Boats at the Dock (Schiffe am Hafenquai)...
    1919 (print executed 1918)
    Lyonel Feininger. Boats at the Dock (Schiffe am Hafenquai) (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 2 (Feb 1919). 1919  (print executed 1918)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Mother (Mutter) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 3 (Mar 1919). 1919 (print executed 1918)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Mother (Mutter) (plate, preceding p. 65) from...
    1919 (print executed 1918)
    Conrad Felixmüller. Mother (Mutter) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 3 (Mar 1919). 1919 (print executed 1918)
  • Otto Gleichmann. Untitled (plate, preceding p. 193) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 7 (July 1919). 1919
    Otto Gleichmann
    Untitled (plate, preceding p. 193) from the...
    Otto Gleichmann. Untitled (plate, preceding p. 193) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 7 (July 1919). 1919
  • Werner Gothein. Smoker (Raucher) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 5 (May 1919). 1919
    Werner Gothein
    Smoker (Raucher) (plate, preceding p. 129) from...
    Werner Gothein. Smoker (Raucher) (plate, preceding p. 129) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 5 (May 1919). 1919
  • Anton Kerschbaumer. Watergate (Schleuse) (plate, preceding p. 257) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 9 (Sept 1919). 1919
    Anton Kerschbaumer
    Watergate (Schleuse) (plate, preceding p. 257)...
    Anton Kerschbaumer. Watergate (Schleuse) (plate, preceding p. 257) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 9 (Sept 1919). 1919
  • Otto Mueller. Beach (Strand) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 1 (Jan 1919). 1919 (print executed 1918)
    Otto Mueller
    Beach (Strand) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the...
    1919 (print executed 1918)
    Otto Mueller. Beach (Strand) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 1 (Jan 1919). 1919 (print executed 1918)
  • Christian Rohlfs. Elijah in the Desert (Elias in der Wüste) (plate, preceding p. 353) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 12 (Dec 1919). 1919 (print executed c. 1912)
    Christian Rohlfs
    Elijah in the Desert (Elias in der Wüste)...
    1919 (print executed c. 1912)
    Christian Rohlfs. Elijah in the Desert (Elias in der Wüste) (plate, preceding p. 353) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 12 (Dec 1919). 1919 (print executed c. 1912)
  • Willi Zierath. Untitled (plate, preceding p. 321) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 11 (Nov 1919). 1919
    Willi Zierath
    Untitled (plate, preceding p. 321) from the...
    Willi Zierath. Untitled (plate, preceding p. 321) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 11 (Nov 1919). 1919
  • Lyonel Feininger. Village (Dorf) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan 1920). 1920  (print executed c. 1918-19)
    Lyonel Feininger
    Village (Dorf) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the...
    1920 (print executed c. 1918-19)
    Lyonel Feininger. Village (Dorf) (plate, preceding p. 1) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan 1920). 1920  (print executed c. 1918-19)
  • Walter Helbig. Sermon to the Birds (Vogelpredigt) (plate, preceding p. 257) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 9 (Sept 1920). 1920
    Walter Helbig
    Sermon to the Birds (Vogelpredigt) (plate...
    Walter Helbig. Sermon to the Birds (Vogelpredigt) (plate, preceding p. 257) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 9 (Sept 1920). 1920
  • Vlastislav Hofman. Raskolnikow (Raskolnikov) (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 2 (Feb 1920). 1920 (print executed 1919)
    Vlastislav Hofman
    Raskolnikow (Raskolnikov) (plate, preceding p...
    1920 (print executed 1919)
    Vlastislav Hofman. Raskolnikow (Raskolnikov) (plate, preceding p. 33) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 2 (Feb 1920). 1920 (print executed 1919)
  • Otto Hohlt. Untitled (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 3 (Mar 1920). 1920  (print executed 1919)
    Otto Hohlt
    Untitled (plate, preceding p. 65) from the...
    1920 (print executed 1919)
    Otto Hohlt. Untitled (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 3 (Mar 1920). 1920  (print executed 1919)
  • Alfred Lomnitz. Ghost Sonata (Gespenstersonate) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 6 (June 1920). 1920
    Alfred Lomnitz
    Ghost Sonata (Gespenstersonate) (plate...
    Alfred Lomnitz. Ghost Sonata (Gespenstersonate) (plate, preceding p. 161) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 6 (June 1920). 1920
  • Rudolf Schlichter. Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 4 (Apr 1920). 1920 (executed 1919)
    Rudolf Schlichter
    Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the...
    1920 (executed 1919)
    Rudolf Schlichter. Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 4 (Apr 1920). 1920 (executed 1919)
  • Rudolf Schlichter. Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 4 (Apr 1920). 1920  (print executed 1919)
    Rudolf Schlichter
    Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the...
    1920 (print executed 1919)
    Rudolf Schlichter. Dance (Tanz) (plate, preceding p. 97) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 4 (Apr 1920). 1920  (print executed 1919)
  • Stanislaus Stückgold. Plate (preceding p. 225) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 8 (Aug 1920). 1920
    Stanislaus Stückgold
    Plate (preceding p. 225) from the periodical...
    Stanislaus Stückgold. Plate (preceding p. 225) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 8 (Aug 1920). 1920
  • Ludwig Wachlmeier (or Aloys Ludwig Wach). Landscape with Women (Landschaft mit Frauen) (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 10 (Oct 1920). 1920
    Ludwig Wachlmeier (or Aloys Ludwig Wach)
    Landscape with Women (Landschaft mit Frauen)...
    Ludwig Wachlmeier (or Aloys Ludwig Wach). Landscape with Women (Landschaft mit Frauen) (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 4, no. 10 (Oct 1920). 1920
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