German Expressionism

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Hans Heinrich Tilgner Verlag, Berlin

Published by Hans Heinrich Tilgner Verlag, Berlin

  • Lovis Corinth. Father, this won't turn out well. We should stay away from the gang of soldiers (Vater, es wird nicht gut ablaufen, bleiben wir von dem Soldatenhaufen) for the illustrated book Wallensteins Lager (Wallenstein's Camp). (1922)
    Lovis Corinth
    Father, this won't turn out well. We should stay...
    Lovis Corinth. Father, this won't turn out well. We should stay away from the gang of soldiers (Vater, es wird nicht gut ablaufen, bleiben wir von dem Soldatenhaufen) for the illustrated book Wallensteins Lager (Wallenstein's Camp). (1922)
  • Lovis Corinth. "Come On, Comrades, to Horse and to Battle, Bound for Liberty!" ("Wohl auf, Kameraden, aufs Pferd, aufs Pferd! Ins Feld, in die Freiheit gezogen!") for the illustrated book Wallensteins Lager (Wallenstein's Camp). (1922)
    Lovis Corinth
    "Come On, Comrades, to Horse and to Battle...
    Lovis Corinth. "Come On, Comrades, to Horse and to Battle, Bound for Liberty!" ("Wohl auf, Kameraden, aufs Pferd, aufs Pferd! Ins Feld, in die Freiheit gezogen!") for the illustrated book Wallensteins Lager (Wallenstein's Camp). (1922)
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