German Expressionism

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Conrad Felixmüller

German, 1897–1977

Starr Figura, German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2011

Printmaker, painter. The youngest of a second generation of Expressionists who emerged in Dresden in the wake of the Brücke artists. By age eighteen, was working as an independent artist and had taught himself the various printmaking techniques. In 1915 began making regular visits to Berlin, where he shared a studio with Ludwig Meidner, frequented Expressionist soirées, and, in 1916, exhibited at the Galerie Der Sturm. In 1917–18 worked as a medical orderly; war, and friendship with socialist publisher Franz Pfemfert, fostered increasingly radical political stance. From 1917 to 1923 published many drawings and woodcuts in Pfemfert’s journal, Die Aktion, as well as other leftist Expressionist periodicals, such as the Dresden-based Menschen (Mankind), which he cofounded in 1918. Also helped found several revolutionary artists’ organizations in Dresden. Favored portraiture, including many loving depictions of his wife and children, as well as images of the working class and their plight.

Printmaking spanned his entire career, from 1913 until 1976, and was source of earliest success. Ultimately made 461 woodcuts, 150 etchings, and 88 lithographs. Signed first contract with Galerie Emil Richter in 1915. Taught etching to Otto Dix in 1919/20.

Former membership in the Communist Party made him a target of the Nazis, who seized 151 works they deemed degenerate, destroying some. Studio in Berlin, where he had lived since 1934, was bombed in 1944, with great loss of work.

Selected Bibliography

Powell, Angelika Schmiegelow, ed. Conrad Felixmüller, 1897–1977: Prints and Drawings from the Collection of Dr. Ernst and Anne Fischer. Exh. cat. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Art Museum, 1979.

Rathke, Christian, ed. Conrad Felixmüller: Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik, Skulpturen. Exh. cat. Schleswig, Germany: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, 1990.

Söhn, Gerhart. Conrad Felixmüller: Das graphische Werk, 1912–1977. Düsseldorf: Graphik-Salon Gerhart Söhn, 1987.

Heather Hess

Works by Conrad Felixmüller

  • Various Artists with Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Karl Caspar, Conrad Felixmüller, Erich Heckel, René Beeh, Heinrich Campendonk, Lovis Corinth, August Gaul, Ernst Barlach, George Grosz, Max Unold, Käthe Kollwitz, Alfred Kubin, Max Liebermann, Ludwig Meidner, Otto Mueller, Max Pechstein, Adolf Ferdinand Schinnerer, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Richard Seewald, Rudolf Grossmann, Lyonel Feininger. Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920
    Various Artists with Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Karl...
    Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German...
    Various Artists with Paul Klee, Max Beckmann, Karl Caspar, Conrad Felixmüller, Erich Heckel, René Beeh, Heinrich Campendonk, Lovis Corinth, August Gaul, Ernst Barlach, George Grosz, Max Unold, Käthe Kollwitz, Alfred Kubin, Max Liebermann, Ludwig Meidner, Otto Mueller, Max Pechstein, Adolf Ferdinand Schinnerer, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Richard Seewald, Rudolf Grossmann, Lyonel Feininger. Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920
  • Herbert Anger, Ottheinrich Strohmeyer, Waldemar Ohly, Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 14/15. April 7, 1917
    Herbert Anger, Ottheinrich Strohmeyer, Waldemar Ohly...
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 14/15
    April 7, 1917
    Herbert Anger, Ottheinrich Strohmeyer, Waldemar Ohly, Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 14/15. April 7, 1917
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose...
    1918 (executed 1917)
    Conrad Felixmüller. Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918). 1918 (executed 1917)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 7/8. February 17, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 7/8
    February 17, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 7/8. February 17, 1917
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 16/17. April 21, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 16/17
    April 21, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 16/17. April 21, 1917
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Richard Bampi, Herbert Anger, Christian Schad, Wilhelm Schuler. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 39/40. October 6, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller, Richard Bampi, Herbert Anger...
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 39/40
    October 6, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller, Richard Bampi, Herbert Anger, Christian Schad, Wilhelm Schuler. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 39/40. October 6, 1917
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Wilhelm Schuler. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 37/38. September 22, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller, Wilhelm Schuler
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 37/38
    September 22, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller, Wilhelm Schuler. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 37/38. September 22, 1917
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Arthur Segal. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 5/6. February 3, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller, Arthur Segal
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 5/6
    February 3, 1917
    Conrad Felixmüller, Arthur Segal. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 5/6. February 3, 1917
  • Otto Freundlich, A. Krapp, Conrad Felixmüller, Christian Schad, Otto Beyer, Leipzig/Berlin. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 31/32. August 11, 1917
    Otto Freundlich, A. Krapp, Conrad Felixmüller...
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 31/32
    August 11, 1917
    Otto Freundlich, A. Krapp, Conrad Felixmüller, Christian Schad, Otto Beyer, Leipzig/Berlin. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 31/32. August 11, 1917
  • Heinrich Hoerle, Conrad Felixmüller, Christian Schad, Karl Jacob Hirsch, Marie Rosalie (Mitzi) Friedmann-Otten, Josef Capek, Augusta von Zitzewitz. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 45/46. November 17, 1917
    Heinrich Hoerle, Conrad Felixmüller, Christian...
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 45/46
    November 17, 1917
    Heinrich Hoerle, Conrad Felixmüller, Christian Schad, Karl Jacob Hirsch, Marie Rosalie (Mitzi) Friedmann-Otten, Josef Capek, Augusta von Zitzewitz. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 45/46. November 17, 1917
  • Georg Tappert, Herbert Anger, Raoul Hausmann, Conrad Felixmüller, Ines Wetzel, Wilhelm Schuler. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 26. June 30, 1917
    Georg Tappert, Herbert Anger, Raoul Hausmann, Conrad...
    Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 26
    June 30, 1917
    Georg Tappert, Herbert Anger, Raoul Hausmann, Conrad Felixmüller, Ines Wetzel, Wilhelm Schuler. Die Aktion, vol. 7, no. 26. June 30, 1917
  • Richard Bampi, A. Krapp, Wilhelm Schuler, Conrad Felixmüller, Hans Richter, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Ottheinrich Strohmeyer. Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 3/4. January 26, 1918
    Richard Bampi, A. Krapp, Wilhelm Schuler, Conrad...
    Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 3/4
    January 26, 1918
    Richard Bampi, A. Krapp, Wilhelm Schuler, Conrad Felixmüller, Hans Richter, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Ottheinrich Strohmeyer. Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 3/4. January 26, 1918
  • A. Krapp, Conrad Felixmüller, Josef Eberz, Katharina Heise (Karl Luis Heinrich-Salze). Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 9/10. March 9, 1918
    A. Krapp, Conrad Felixmüller, Josef Eberz...
    Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 9/10
    March 9, 1918
    A. Krapp, Conrad Felixmüller, Josef Eberz, Katharina Heise (Karl Luis Heinrich-Salze). Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 9/10. March 9, 1918
  • A. Krapp, Wladislav Skotarek, Erich Gehre, Conrad Felixmüller, Jerzy von Hulewicz. Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 33/34. August 24, 1918
    A. Krapp, Wladislav Skotarek, Erich Gehre, Conrad...
    Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 33/34
    August 24, 1918
    A. Krapp, Wladislav Skotarek, Erich Gehre, Conrad Felixmüller, Jerzy von Hulewicz. Die Aktion, vol. 8, no. 33/34. August 24, 1918
  • Herbert Anger, Conrad Felixmüller, A. Krapp. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 28. July 12, 1919
    Herbert Anger, Conrad Felixmüller, A. Krapp
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 28
    July 12, 1919
    Herbert Anger, Conrad Felixmüller, A. Krapp. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 28. July 12, 1919
  • Rüdiger Berlit, Conrad Felixmüller, Josef Achmann. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 47/48. November 29, 1919
    Rüdiger Berlit, Conrad Felixmüller, Josef...
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 47/48
    November 29, 1919
    Rüdiger Berlit, Conrad Felixmüller, Josef Achmann. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 47/48. November 29, 1919
  • Rüdiger Berlit, Conrad Felixmüller, Max Schwimmer, Eugen Hoffmann. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 32. August 9, 1919
    Rüdiger Berlit, Conrad Felixmüller, Max...
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 32
    August 9, 1919
    Rüdiger Berlit, Conrad Felixmüller, Max Schwimmer, Eugen Hoffmann. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 32. August 9, 1919
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Mother (Mutter) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 3 (Mar 1919). 1919 (print executed 1918)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Mother (Mutter) (plate, preceding p. 65) from...
    1919 (print executed 1918)
    Conrad Felixmüller. Mother (Mutter) (plate, preceding p. 65) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 3, no. 3 (Mar 1919). 1919 (print executed 1918)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Cover from Sezession Gruppe 1919. 1919
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Cover from Sezession Gruppe 1919
    Conrad Felixmüller. Cover from Sezession Gruppe 1919. 1919
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich Hoerle, Karl Jacob Hirsch. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 16/17. May 3, 1919
    Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich Hoerle, Karl Jacob...
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 16/17
    May 3, 1919
    Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich Hoerle, Karl Jacob Hirsch. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 16/17. May 3, 1919
  • Conrad Felixmüller, A. Krapp. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 26/27. July 5, 1919
    Conrad Felixmüller, A. Krapp
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 26/27
    July 5, 1919
    Conrad Felixmüller, A. Krapp. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 26/27. July 5, 1919
  • Karl Jacob Hirsch, Wilhelm Schuler, E. Anger, Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 19. May 17, 1919
    Karl Jacob Hirsch, Wilhelm Schuler, E. Anger, Conrad...
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 19
    May 17, 1919
    Karl Jacob Hirsch, Wilhelm Schuler, E. Anger, Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 19. May 17, 1919
  • Ottheinrich Strohmeyer, Conrad Felixmüller, Eugen Hoffmann. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 18. May 10, 1919
    Ottheinrich Strohmeyer, Conrad Felixmüller, Eugen...
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 18
    May 10, 1919
    Ottheinrich Strohmeyer, Conrad Felixmüller, Eugen Hoffmann. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 18. May 10, 1919
  • Willi Tegtmeier, Franz Schulze, Conrad Felixmüller, Karl Jacob Hirsch. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 43/44. November 1, 1919
    Willi Tegtmeier, Franz Schulze, Conrad...
    Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 43/44
    November 1, 1919
    Willi Tegtmeier, Franz Schulze, Conrad Felixmüller, Karl Jacob Hirsch. Die Aktion, vol. 9, no. 43/44. November 1, 1919
  • Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller, Constantin Mitschke-Collande, Otto Lange. Sezession Gruppe 1919 (Secession Group 1919). 1919
    Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller...
    Sezession Gruppe 1919 (Secession Group 1919)
    Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller, Constantin Mitschke-Collande, Otto Lange. Sezession Gruppe 1919 (Secession Group 1919). 1919
  • Rüdiger Berlit, Georg Arndt, Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 25/26. June 26, 1920
    Rüdiger Berlit, Georg Arndt, Conrad...
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 25/26
    June 26, 1920
    Rüdiger Berlit, Georg Arndt, Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 25/26. June 26, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis) (plate 24) from the illustrated book Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920 (print executed 1919)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis) (plate 24) from...
    1920 (print executed 1919)
    Conrad Felixmüller. Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis) (plate 24) from the illustrated book Deutsche Graphiker der Gegenwart (German Printmakers of Our Time). 1920 (print executed 1919)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Johanna. (1920)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Conrad Felixmüller. Johanna. (1920)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Woman in the morning: Combing (Frau am Morgen: Das Kämmen). (1920)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Woman in the morning: Combing (Frau am Morgen: Das...
    Conrad Felixmüller. Woman in the morning: Combing (Frau am Morgen: Das Kämmen). (1920)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. In the Rowboat (Im Ruderboot). (1920)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    In the Rowboat (Im Ruderboot)
    Conrad Felixmüller. In the Rowboat (Im Ruderboot). (1920)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 17/18. May 1, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 17/18
    May 1, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 17/18. May 1, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 19/20. May 15, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 19/20
    May 15, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 19/20. May 15, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 23/24. June 12, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 23/24
    June 12, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 23/24. June 12, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 47/48. November 27, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 47/48
    November 27, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 47/48. November 27, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Georg Arndt. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 21/22. May 29, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Georg Arndt
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 21/22
    May 29, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Georg Arndt. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 21/22. May 29, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Hans Richter. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 1/2. January 10, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Hans Richter
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 1/2
    January 10, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Hans Richter. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 1/2. January 10, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Alfred Zacharias, Rüdiger Berlit. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 31/32. August 7, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Alfred Zacharias...
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 31/32
    August 7, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Alfred Zacharias, Rüdiger Berlit. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 31/32. August 7, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich Zernack, Franz Wilhelm Seiwert. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 51/52. December 25, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich Zernack, Franz...
    Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 51/52
    December 25, 1920
    Conrad Felixmüller, Heinrich Zernack, Franz Wilhelm Seiwert. Die Aktion, vol. 10, no. 51/52. December 25, 1920
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Child on the Veranda (Son Titus) (Kind auf der Veranda (Sohn Titus)). (1921)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Child on the Veranda (Son Titus) (Kind auf der...
    Conrad Felixmüller. Child on the Veranda (Son Titus) (Kind auf der Veranda (Sohn Titus)). (1921)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 1/2. January 8, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 1/2
    January 8, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 1/2. January 8, 1921
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 5/6. February 5, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 5/6
    February 5, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 5/6. February 5, 1921
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 11/12. March 19, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 11/12
    March 19, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 11/12. March 19, 1921
  • Conrad Felixmüller, Grete Rühle, Georg Tappert. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 7/8. February 19, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller, Grete Rühle, Georg...
    Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 7/8
    February 19, 1921
    Conrad Felixmüller, Grete Rühle, Georg Tappert. Die Aktion, vol. 11, no. 7/8. February 19, 1921
  • Conrad Felixmüller. Portrait of the Art Collector Ludwig Fischer, Frankfurt (Bildnis des Kunstsammlers Ludwig Fischer, Frankfurt). (1922)
    Conrad Felixmüller
    Portrait of the Art Collector Ludwig Fischer...
    Conrad Felixmüller. Portrait of the Art Collector Ludwig Fischer, Frankfurt (Bildnis des Kunstsammlers Ludwig Fischer, Frankfurt). (1922)
  • Conrad Felixmüller. The Far-Away Beloved (Die ferne Geliebte) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 1, no. 1. 1923
    Conrad Felixmüller
    The Far-Away Beloved (Die ferne Geliebte)...
    Conrad Felixmüller. The Far-Away Beloved (Die ferne Geliebte) (in-text plate, title page) from the periodical Die Lebenden, vol. 1, no. 1. 1923
  • Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller, Gerhard Marcks, Oskar Gawell, Charles Crodel, Wilhelm Rudolph, Willy Robert Huth, Christoph Voll, Walter Dexel, Max Thalmann, J. Fritz Zalisz, Karl Rössing, Johannes Wüsten, Fritz Neumann-Hegenberg, Sella Hasse, Ewald Mataré, Otto Fischer-Lamberg. Die Lebenden, vols. 1-3. 1923-1931
    Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller, Gerhard...
    Die Lebenden, vols. 1-3
    Various Artists with Conrad Felixmüller, Gerhard Marcks, Oskar Gawell, Charles Crodel, Wilhelm Rudolph, Willy Robert Huth, Christoph Voll, Walter Dexel, Max Thalmann, J. Fritz Zalisz, Karl Rössing, Johannes Wüsten, Fritz Neumann-Hegenberg, Sella Hasse, Ewald Mataré, Otto Fischer-Lamberg. Die Lebenden, vols. 1-3. 1923-1931
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