May 19, 2015 | 2 Comments

Design and Violence Debate IV: The Internet, Open Wide

Motion: Internet freedom and digital privacy will come about only through the design of better tools for civil disobedience and direct action.

Debaters: Gabriella Coleman (FOR) and Larry Lessig (AGAINST)
Moderators: Paola Antonelli and Jamer Hunt

To celebrate the end of the Design and Violence project, we invite you to one final debate to be held at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on May 28, 2015. This debate will center upon two data visualization designs featured in Design and Violence: Patrick Clair’s Stuxnet, a lens on the virus that initially targeted Iran’s nuclear program, and Google’s Digital Attack Map, a design that seeks to bring insight into a digital weapon that works both for and against free speech.

On this special debate page, we welcome and encourage comments from both those who will be audience members and those who can’t make it in person. Follow the debate on the night at the livestream (below) from 6:30pm EST or on @MoMA_Live. Add to the conversation using the hashtag #desviolenz.

Debate motions will be delivered by Gabriella Coleman (the Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy at McGill University, and author of Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous) and Larry Lessig (the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard Law School, and director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University), and moderated by Design and Violence co-curators Jamer Hunt and Paola AntonelliThe program offers a crucial and timely exploration of the implications of democratizing digital weapons, and the role governments, activists, hackivists, and a changing geopolitical order will play as the 21st century deepens.

Launched in fall 2013, the online curatorial experiment Design and Violence posted its last entry earlier this month–Ricky Jackson, a fully exonerated Death Row prisoner, wrote on the design of the lethal injection compound. Over its eighteen-month lifespan, Design and Violence has manifested as an online curatorial experiment, an installation in the MoMA galleries, as a series of debates, and as a book.

The debate is free, but RSVP is now closed.

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Fernanda Viégas (Brazilian, b. 1971), Martin Wattenberg (American, b. 1970), Colin McMillen (American, b. 1981), CJ Adams (American, b. 1985). Google Ideas (est. 2010). Google Big Picture Team (est. 2010). Arbor Networks, Inc. (est. 2000). Oct 21, 2013. Online data visualization: Custom Javascript & HTML, D3. Image and video courtesy of Google Ideas, DDoS data © 2014 and Arbor Networks, Inc.



The debate motion is: Internet freedom and digital privacy will come about only through the design of better tools for civil disobedience and direct action. Are you for, against, or on the fence?

  1. June 11, 2015, 11:36 am

    […] May 28, 2015, we convened the final debate in the Design and Violence series at MoMA. It focused on the darker recesses of designing and […]

  2. February 8, 2017, 8:39 am


    This is pretty sweet

    This is pretty sweet, but I disagree with you on one point – I’m terribly, terribly saddened that the Occupy losers aren’t still littering Ama7&cei#821r;s streets. No Republican attack ad could have done a better job laying bare the ultimate emptiness of modern liberalism at its most distilled, and I would have been perfectly happy with voters seeing and smelling that reminder eery single day until November 6th.