One of the more viscerally exciting In the Making courses that we’re offering our teens this season is Art for Daredevils: Pranks, Tricks, and Death-Defying Stunts.

Posts tagged ‘teens’
Daredevils DO what others DON’T!
Living Art: MoMA Teens Collaborate with Artist Paula Hayes
Educator Journal: Stop or I’ll Shoot! Performance and Photography
Through a series of adventurous performance-based actions, the teens in our “Stop Or I’ll Shoot!” workshops have formed themselves into a functioning arts collective to negotiate and investigate ideas surrounding public and private space, altered perceptions, and challenging interactions.
Lady Gaga Did Not Attend This Opening
You probably didn’t hear about the huge exhibition opening last week at MoMA—it didn’t make the front page of The New York Times Arts or Style sections; no one was interviewed on NPR about it; no pictures of the artists appeared on Art Fag City. And yet it was definitely the place to be if you are interested in mingling with the freshest faces in contemporary art.
What I Did Last Summer
We’re all familiar with the time-honored “What I Did Last Summer” essay. For many of us, this dreaded homework assignment meant trying to glamorize the hours we spent busing tables at a local restaurant or counting license plates on a family road trip. But for five hundred New York City teens, “What I Did Last Summer” is a chance to revisit their experience as participants in The Museum of Modern Art’s intensive studio art program, In the Making: Summer at MoMA.
Brushes, Canvases, and Paint Optional
What’s so unconventional about painting? According to the teens in MoMA’s Unconventional Painting class, a lot.
PopArt Wins a People’s Voice Webby Award!
Congratulations to the teens from the MoMA Teen Voices Project for their hard work on the website PopArt, which recently won a People’s Voice Webby in the Art category. The Teen Voices Project (formerly the Youth Advisory Council), a group of sixteen students from New York City high schools, collaborated with MoMA Staff to design the interactive site.
Faced with the challenge of creating an educational resource that other teens could use to engage with MoMA, the team started by learning about and analyzing existing interactive educational activities, websites, and technology-based communication projects. After countless debates on the purpose of education, the coolest parts of MoMA, and strategies to make MoMA more accessible to teens, the team identified a vision for their project: to create an online tool for people of all ages to interact with and respond to modern art, to reveal unexpected connections between works of art, and to trust in their own “gut” feelings about art.
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