Posts tagged ‘Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects’
November 7, 2011  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Design
Talk to Me Pixel Patterns

Installation view of title wall for the exhibition Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects

Many of the works featured in the exhibition Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects are represented on the title wall wallpaper as small, abstract pixel icons.

November 3, 2011  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Design
Word Up

I’m a big fan of words; letters and the written word to be a little more precise.  And not just the sound and meaning, but actual words—their physicality, their shape and form, and how they look. I have a nephew who was crazy for the letter “u”; specifically the lower case “u,” with serifs.

The Language of Objects

Kacie Kinzer, Interactive Telecommunications Program, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. Tweenbots. 2009. Cardboard, paper, ink, batteries, motor, and wheels. Photo Credit: Kacie Kinzer

Many serious and portentous things could be said about the exhibition Talk to Me</a>. I don’t intend to say any of them.

Talk to Me: A Symposium

Aaron Straup Cope of Stamen Design. Prettymaps, Manhattan. 2010. Polymaps, Mapnik, and TileStache software. Photo Credit: Stamen Design, base map data. © OpenStreetMap, CC-BY-SA

In the spirit of the exhibition Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects</a>, we have invited a remarkable group of designers, thinkers, and writers to talk to us on the evening of October 18 and all day on October 19 at The Museum of Modern Art.

September 30, 2011  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Tech, Videos
Hacking the Solari

Hacked Solari di Udine flight board

One of the aspects I like most about working in the Digital Media department is building exhibition subsites, the online complements to our gallery exhibitions. We don’t build all our subsites in-house; many are handled by outside design firms. In the case of Talk to Me

August 19, 2011  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Talk to Me Can’t Stop Talking

Installation view of Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects at The Museum of Modern Art, 2011. Photo © Scott Rudd

The exhibition Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects is up and running in our Special Exhibitions Gallery on the third floor. The public is behaving just the way we dreamt they would, not only diving into individual exhibits, reading, taking pictures and videos, clicking and dragging, and listening, but also taking full advantage of the interactive features in the galleries and beyond.