Posts tagged ‘Roman Polanski’
February 11, 2014  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Roman Polanski’s Repulsion
Catherine Deneuve in Repulsion. 1965. Great Britain. Directed by Roman Polanski

Catherine Deneuve in Repulsion. 1965. Great Britain. Directed by Roman Polanski

These notes accompany screenings of Roman Polanski’s </em>Repulsion</a> on February 12, 13, and 14 in Theater 3.</p>

Although his first feature, Knife in the Water</a>, was something of an international success, Roman Polanski’s career plans remained uncertain.

October 22, 2013  |  An Auteurist History of Film
A Program of Early Roman Polanski Films
September 9, 2011  |  Film
“Laugh at the Devil”: The “Satan” Films of Roman Polanski

Rosemary's Baby. 1968. USA. Directed by Roman Polanski. Image courtesy Photofest

Trying to figure out which of Roman Polanski’s films are or are not “horror films” is a maddening and, in the end, fruitless exercise.