Posts tagged ‘Dirk Bogarde’
June 10, 2014  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Luchino Visconti’s Death in Venice
Death in Venice. 1971. Italy. Directed by Luchino Visconti

Death in Venice. 1971. Italy. Directed by Luchino Visconti

These notes accompany screenings of Luchino Visconti’s </em>Death in Venice</a> on June 11, 12, and 13 in Theater 3.</p>

It’s generally conceded in retrospect that such major directors as F. W. Murnau, Sergei Eisenstein, Marcel Carne, George Cukor, Vincente Minnelli, James Whale, and Edmund Goulding were gay.

March 4, 2014  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Joseph Losey’s The Servant
The Servant. 1963. Great Britain. Directed by Joseph Losey

The Servant. 1963. Great Britain. Directed by Joseph Losey

These notes accompany screenings of Joseph Losey’s </em>The Servant</a> on March 5, 6, and 7 in Theater 3.</p>

Joseph Losey (1909–1984) was the most interesting director to come out of the American left, except possibly for Constantinople-born Elia Kazan.