Posts tagged ‘Brazil’
May 5, 2015  |  Intern Chronicles
Is There Room for Radicalism? A Trip to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo
Museo de Arte Contemporânea, Niterói. Photo: Leticia Gutierrez

Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Niterói. Photo: Leticia Gutierrez

The ideas of experimentation and radicalism live under a worldwide umbrella of cultural institutions. Social practice, community engagement, and the very meaning of the act of teaching are often part of the research pool we use to consider the responsibilities of cultural institutions in their attempts to provide aesthetic experiences. When we talk about experimentation, are we all operating by the same definition?

April 21, 2015  |  Intern Chronicles
Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo: From “City of God” to Cities of People
The Rio Museum of Art. Photo: Athnina Balopoulou

The Rio Museum of Art. Photo: Athina Balopoulou

As urban sociologist Robert Park wrote, the city is “man’s most consistent and on the whole, his most successful attempt to remake the world he lives in more after his heart’s desire.” However, how aware are we of our right to reinvent the city, and not just access what is presented to us? How much more creative and human-centered could we be when rethinking the processes of urbanization?

October 28, 2010  |  Conservation, Film
Rescuing Mangue-Bangue
Mangue Bangue director Neville D’Ameida photographed during a comic moment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008

Mangue-Bangue director Neville D’Ameida photographed during a comic moment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008

I take my work as a curator very seriously. I consider myself fortunate to put into practice on a daily basis the knowledge I gained as an undergraduate and graduate film and art history student. But honestly, we’re not saving lives here at MoMA or finding the means for alternate energy sources that will sustain our planet for millennia. My mother is proud of my professional achievements too, but she’ll never have the chance to say to her friends “my daughter, the Nobel Prize winner.” Even so, the work of a film curator is significant, enduring, and critical to the history of cinema.

September 8, 2010  |  Events & Programs
Learning from Brazil

View of the Niterói Contemporary Art Museum as seen from the Maquinho, the Museum’s Community Art Center. Photo: Pablo Helguera

In this age of facile and constant communication—when you can Google and search anything you need to know, and e-mail or Skype with any one of your colleagues globally—the question arises: Why travel abroad to research?

On a recent research trip to Brazil, I was reminded of the reason by the astute Luiz [Guilherme] Vergara, former director of the Niterói Contemporary Art Museum and professor of art at the Federal University of Niterói: “Geography is everything.” This he noted as we looked out from a community center high up on a mountain at the base of a favela, overlooking a breathtaking view of a bay and the Niteroi Museum, a superb Niemeyer-designed spaceship-like form. The museum and the center work closely in tandem in the community.