Posts tagged ‘Big Change’
July 16, 2012  |  Collection & Exhibitions
MoMA at Rio+20: Museum as Design Laboratory

Installation view of Museum as Design Laboratory: MoMA and the Art of Advocacy at Rio Centro Conference Centre, Pavilion One, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photograph by Leo Finotti. © 2012 The Museum of Modern Art

By now nearly everyone concerned is frustrated by the lack of concrete outcomes at the United Nations’ Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development—and the lack of firm resolve on the part of most of the participating national governments.

October 26, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Autonomy as Engagement

Hashim Sarkis ALUD. Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre. Tyre, Lebanon. 1998–2008. Image by Joumana Jamhouri

MoMA’s exhibition Small Scale, Big Change exposes the fallacy of opposing architecture’s autonomy to its social engagement.

Over the past twelve years, our office has been working with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in rural Lebanon, designing projects related to social and economic development. After the 1975-1990 wars, many relief-based NGOs have shifted their attention to development.

October 7, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Rural Studio and the $20K House

Main Street, Newbern, Alabama. Image: Timothy Hursley

The Rural Studio, currently one of eleven teams highlighted in MoMA’s exhibition Small Scale, Big Change: New Architectures of Social Engagement, is an undergraduate program of the School of Architecture at Auburn University. Based in Western Alabama’s Hale County, in a region known as the Black Belt, the Studio focuses on educating students while assisting an underserved population.

October 6, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Tech
Fall Harvest Online

MoMA variety pack

The end of summer often means time to go back to school. For those of us at MoMA, it also means a slew of new exhibitions. And this fall we have quite a bounty, many of which are accompanied by a special online feature. For today, we present five websites for five exhibitions:

October 5, 2010  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Introducing Small Scale, Big Change

Elemental. Quinta Monroy Housing Project. Iquique, Chile. 2003–05. Image: Cristobal Palma

When I proposed the Small Scale, Big Change: New Architectures of Social Engagement exhibition in the fall of 2008, the housing crisis in the U.S. had just reached its peak. This crisis started from speculation on housing and developed into the biggest economic crisis in the U.S. in a long time, spreading out to many other countries and forcing millions into unemployment, a large number into poverty, and many even into homelessness.