Posts tagged ‘art-making’
Freedom to Create, Rethink, and Uncover: Participating in Broodthaers’s Process
Art making during Erasures: A Poetry Workshop Inspired by Marcel Broodthaers. All photos by Beatriz Meseguer/

Art making during Erasures: A Poetry Workshop Inspired by Marcel Broodthaers. All photos by Beatriz Meseguer/

If you’ve read some of my other blog posts, you’ll know that MoMA has been experimenting with “pop-ups”—drop-in learning and art-making spaces—in closer proximity to the galleries for the past couple of years. These impromptu spaces are something that the Department of Education has long advocated for because offering hands-on activities helps visitors make connections to the art on view.

October 30, 2015  |  Events & Programs, Learning and Engagement
The Warhol Pop-Up: How Participation Can Enrich Visitors’ Experiences with Art

The Education Department is passionate about engaging visitors with art and ideas, bringing people together and creating experiences in which the visitor becomes an active participant. Most recently, there has been an initiative to bring more participatory, hands-on, and creative experiences outside of classroom walls and closer to art in the galleries. For example, from May to September 2015, 16 “pop-up” art-making sessions took place right outside the exhibition Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Cans and Other Works: 1953–1967</a>. Each of the afternoon sessions was two hours long and open to anyone who wanted to take part.

April 15, 2015  |  Learning and Engagement
The MoMA Studio Experience

When you’re at a museum, how often do you have the impression that “freedom reigns,” or that you can “create anything?” Or have you ever experienced the sense of belonging to a larger community wherein people “from very different backgrounds and places…feel that there is something that can unite [them]?” We believe it is essential to nurture these opportunities through our educational initiatives, such as MoMA Studio.

Are You Inspired to Go Beyond the Cut-Out?
Installation view of MoMA Studio: Beyond the Cut-Out. Installation view. Photo: Sarah Kennedy, 2014

Installation view of MoMA Studio: Beyond the Cut-Out. Photo: Sarah Kennedy, 2014

There has been a lot of excitement around the opening of the exhibition Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs. The Museum has been teeming with energetic visitors who see it and walk away feeling buoyed and inspired. We anticipated that this would be a common response to the exhibition, so over the past few months, in dialogue with the exhibition curators—Karl Buchberg, Jodi Hauptman, and Samantha Friedman—we have been designing educational programming that can complement a visitor’s experience in the galleries and provide an outlet for the creative energy that Matisse’s cut-outs generate.