Posts tagged ‘Applied Design’
May 2, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Watching the Sweeper’s Clock

According to Albert Einstein, “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”


Maarten Baas. Sweeper’s Clock. 2009. Video, 720 min. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of the designer

As much as I like that idea, and really I do, it seems to me that all too often time stops doing its job, and instead everything starts happening at once, or at least not happening in a timely fashion.

March 21, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Design
Coding a Title Wall

It’s always exciting to try new things as part of MoMA’s graphic design team. In the case of Applied Design, the new Department of Architecture and Design exhibition curated by Paola Antonelli and Kate Carmody, we got to challenge ourselves by using technology featured in the show to program a moving, dynamic title wall.

February 28, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Watching the Wind: Viégas and Wattenberg’s Wind Map
Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg. Wind Map. 2012

Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg. Wind Map. 2012. Interactive software

What’s more poetic than the wind? The moon comes close I suppose, but I wonder if even the moon can hold a candle to the wind.