Posts tagged ‘Andrew Wyeth’
August 21, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Videos
Reframing Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World

One of the best parts of working on an exhibition drawn predominantly from MoMA’s own outstanding collection is the opportunity it provides for close looking at old favorites. When my co-curator Kathy Curry and I began compiling the checklist for the exhibition American Modern: Hopper to O’Keeffe

November 21, 2012  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions, Publications
A Closer Look at Christina’s World
Andrew Wyeth, <i>Christina's World</i> (1948). The Museum of Modern Art, New York.  Purchase. © 2012 Andrew Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth. Christina’s World. 1948. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase. © 2012 Andrew Wyeth

In 1949 The Museum of Modern Art acquired a modest-sized landscape painting from the Macbeth Gallery on 57th Street in New York City for $1,800—then considered a hefty sum for an artwork. The painting would go on to become one of the most recognized images in American art,

October 14, 2010  |  Publications
Christina’s World and Contemporary Chinese Art

Before I read MoMA’s new publication Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents, if someone had asked me to identify a painting from MoMA’s collection that was of central importance to a generation of artists emerging from the Cultural Revolution in China, I’m pretty sure I would not have picked Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World.