Posts by Jonathan Santos
May 19, 2016  |  Events & Programs
Online + Out There: MoMA’s Digital Advisory Board
Still image from one of the Digital Advisory Board's video projects, featuring DAB member Aaron Garcia

Digital Advisory Board member Aaron Garcia, in a still from one of the DAB’s video projects

Our teen programming is set up in a multi-tiered way: Open Art Space is a free drop-in program for LGBTQ-identified teens and their allies, with no application required, that people can visit as little or as much as they want. Our In the Making programs offer free studio art courses, introductory experiences that involve a structured amount of weekly on-site classes and culminate with a teen art show of participants’ work.

April 3, 2014  |  MoMA Teen Takeover
MoMA Teens Take Over Inside/Out: A Collection of Poems + Poets
Jackson Pollock. <i>Number 1A, 1948</i>. 1948. Oil and enamel paint on canvas, 68" x 8' 8" (172.7 x 264.2 cm). Purchase. © 2014 Pollock-Krasner Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

The inspiration for at least three poems: Jackson Pollock. Number 1A, 1948. 1948. Oil and enamel paint on canvas, 68″ x 8′ 8″ (172.7 x 264.2 cm). Purchase. © 2014 Pollock-Krasner Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

“Hi! So we’re from a program at MoMA called the Cross-Museum Collective and we’ve been asking people to write spontaneous poems about the piece of artwork that they’re currently looking at for the MoMA blog. Would you want to write one for us?”

March 31, 2014  |  MoMA Teen Takeover
MoMA Teens Take Over Inside/Out: Overheard @ MoMA
The Starry Night

“This one here is the money maker”: Vincent van Gogh. The Starry Night. 1889. Oil on canvas, 29 x 36 1/4″ (73.7 x 92.1 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest

At an international art center like MoMA, thousands of people walk through the doors on a weekly basis. Residents of New York, residents of Taiwan, Italy, South Africa, Germany, and Brazil. Children, their grandparents, moms, dads, aunts, and whoever else have traveled to the Museum in order to be inside of this modern art hub.