Museum educators often struggle with how to capture the impact of our programs. There are so many incredible programs offered by the MoMA Education Department for many different audiences that take the form of tours, talks, art-making classes, drop-in programs, and digital and analog games, and documenting a visitor’s experience of these ephemeral events is difficult.

Posts by Colleen Brogan
June 27, 2012
Behind the Scenes,
Events & Programs
Lights, Camera, Action: The School Visits Film Shoot
May 16, 2012
What Do You Want from
I just came back from Museums and the Web 2012, an annual conference about the intersection of museums and technology. Museum staff from around the world presented case studies on innovative technology projects in their institutions.
May 3, 2011
Events & Programs,
Intern Chronicles
The Art of Conversation
Part of the 12-month internship program is the opportunity to facilitate a Gallery Conversation, a one-hour guided tour of the galleries for the public. As a 12-month intern, I was given the opportunity to pick any topic or works I loved and research diligently—but what I have learned is that when I speak to the public, the research is less important than the conversation.
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