May 25 is a big day! On this day in 1935, Jesse Owens broke three track and field records; in 1977, Star Wars was released; plus it’s National Tap Dance Day—happy birthday Bill “Bojangles” Robinson! And for a few (or a lot) of our visitors of all ages, May 25 is your birthday and you’re spending it here. From the celebratory “I went to MoMA and…” responses we pulled from the pile this week, we know you’re out there—turning 9, 21, 30, 50, 65, 80, and everything in between.
Birthdays mean something, don’t they? And not only cake and candles. On your birthday, you pause for a moment in the onrushing tide of minutes and days and weeks to look around. You might think about the past year and the upcoming year, the past decade and those to come; the choices you’ve made and will make; the people you surround yourself with. And to celebrate another year of you, you gather friends and family closer, do something fun and out of the ordinary together, and relish the important place you hold in their lives.
So an extra happy birthday to all you art-loving May 25th-ers in the galleries today. And since birthdays also definitely mean cake, we thought we’d share the delicious chocolate cake recipe one visitor left us (Monday afternoon cake-break photo above—thank you Isabel!). If you try it at home, please let us know in the comments how it turns out….
We keep posting more cards on, where you can see and share many more—maybe yours? (Read our first post for an introduction to this project.)