Posts tagged ‘Wayne Koestenbaum’
June 29, 2012  |  Events & Programs
Our Favorite Lunch Poems

Stefania Heim reads at the June 8, 2012, Modern Poets event. Photo: Sarah Kennedy

You may have seen on your computer screen or heard in MoMA’s sunny Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden the lunch poem challenges offered by poets Stefania Heim and Wayne Koestenbaum earlier this month.

June 25, 2012  |  Events & Programs
Poetry Challenges in the Spirit of Frank O’Hara’s Lunch Poems

From left: Frank O’Hara, photo: Kenward Elmslie; Poet Stefania Heim reads her favorite O’Hara lunch poems in MoMA’s Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden

On June 8 and 15, poet-scholars Stefania Heim and Wayne Koestenbaum shared their favorite “lunch poems” by the beloved poet Frank O’Hara—who worked on and off at MoMA from 1951 to 1966—in the Museum’s Sculpture Garden at lunchtime.