Posts tagged ‘urban planning’
November 6, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities
Rio de Janeiro, 2013. Photograph by Pedro Gadanho

Rio de Janeiro, 2013. Photograph by Pedro Gadanho

Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities, the third iteration in MoMA’s Issues in Contemporary Architecture series, has just launched with a lively public conversation in MoMA PS1’s VW Dome.

July 16, 2012  |  Collection & Exhibitions
MoMA at Rio+20: Museum as Design Laboratory

Installation view of Museum as Design Laboratory: MoMA and the Art of Advocacy at Rio Centro Conference Centre, Pavilion One, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photograph by Leo Finotti. © 2012 The Museum of Modern Art

By now nearly everyone concerned is frustrated by the lack of concrete outcomes at the United Nations’ Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development—and the lack of firm resolve on the part of most of the participating national governments.

A View from Temple Terrace

The Museum of Modern Art and The Buell Center invited a series of team participants and observers who attended workshops for MoMA’s exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream to reflect on the project. Here are thoughts from Nadine Maleh, a member of Visible Weather’s team.

Inviting Consultants to the Design Table

The Museum of Modern Art and The Buell Center invited a series of team participants and observers who attended workshops for MoMA’s exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream—which opens in February—to reflect on the project. Here are thoughts from Zak Kostura

Foreclosed: The Role of the Team in the Design Process

The Museum of Modern Art and The Buell Center invited a series of team participants and observers who attended workshops for MoMA’s exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, which opens in February, to reflect on the project. Here are thoughts from the Urban Ecology and Design Laboratory (UEDLAB) and its director, Alexander Felson, a member of Andrew Zago’s team.

Foreclosed: Reverse Engineering

MoMA and The Buell Center invited a series of team participants and observers who attended workshops for The Museum of Modern Art’s exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, which opens in February, to reflect on the project. Here are thoughts from Jesse Keenan, a member of Michael Bell and Eunjeong Seong’s team.

Foreclosed: Thoughts on Cicero and Collaboration with Jeanne Gang

MoMA and The Buell Center invited a series of team participants and observers who attended workshops for The Museum of Modern Art’s exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, which opens in February, to reflect on the project. Here are thoughts from Theaster Gates, Jr., a member of the Jeanne Gang’s team.

Foreclosed: MoMA Takes on Suburbia

The severe effects of the current economic crisis on suburbs across America make it more urgent than ever to rethink the designs of our suburban landscapes. Disconnected single-family homes requiring private automobile transport seem to form a less and less viable pattern of settlement.

Foreclosed: Close of the Workshop Phase

U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan delivers the keynote address, “From Crisis to Opportunity: Rebuilding Communities in the Wake of Foreclosure”

We ended the workshop phase of Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream on Saturday, September 17, 2011, with a series of Open Studios

Foreclosed: Two Weeks Left…

The multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream have two weeks to go in the workshop phase before the final public Open Studios at MoMA PS1 on Saturday, September 17.