Posts tagged ‘Sylvia Sidney’
January 11, 2011  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Fritz Lang’s You Only Live Once

You Only Live Once. 1937. USA. Directed by Fritz Lang

You Only Live Once. 1937. USA. Directed by Fritz Lang

These notes accompany the screening of Fritz Lang’s </i>You Only Live Once</a> on January 12, 13, and 14 in Theater 3.</p>

The American-made films of Viennese-born Fritz Lang (1890–1976) will be the subject of a comprehensive retrospective at New York City’s Film Forum from January 28 through February 10. A number of his German classics appear in our own Weimar Cinema, 1919–1933: Daydreams and Nightmares exhibition, and a restored Metropolis (1926) recently had a run at Manhattan’s largest movie house. So it would be hard to argue that Lang is a forgotten director.