Posts tagged ‘Robert Gober’
July 25, 2016  |  Events & Programs
“Gay Jungle Galaxy Prom”: The Open Art Space Program Comes Out Swinging
Exploring MoMA's collection and searching for new narratives. (Photo by Kaitlyn Stubbs.)

Exploring MoMA’s collection and searching for new narratives. Photo: Kaitlyn Stubbs

On a Thursday afternoon earlier this summer, apprentice educator Tali Petschek and I rushed around the Education Center, heading up to the seventh floor to ferry down supplies to our classroom on the mezzanine level. It was the culminating session of Open Art Space, a new MoMA Teens drop-in program for LGBTQ high school students. For our 15th and final session of the season, we decided, in collaboration with some of our most devoted participants, to do an LGBTQ prom-themed photo shoot. Teens wanted at least a taste of a prom they couldn’t have in their own schools, where they could bring whomever they wanted, dress however they wanted, and explore whatever gender roles felt right to them at that moment.