Posts tagged ‘Renate Bertlmann’
May 24, 2016  |  Intern Chronicles
Old Buildings, New Histories: Space and Curatorial Practice in Vienna and Berlin
Anselm Kiefer. Woglinde and Die Reintöchter from the Rheingold series. 1982–2013. Woodcut and paper collage on canvas. Installation view, Anselm Kiefer: The Woodcuts, Albertina, March 18–June 19, 2016. Photo: Genevieve Lipinsky de Orlov

Anselm Kiefer. Woglinde and Die Reintöchter from the Rheingold series. 1982–2013. Woodcut and paper collage on canvas. Installation view, Anselm Kiefer: The Woodcuts, Albertina, March 18–June 19, 2016. Photo: Genevieve Lipinsky de Orlov

As a New Yorker, one of the most striking differences in visiting museums abroad is how sparsely populated they can be. On any given day at MoMA it is rare for a visitor to find herself alone in a gallery. During my two-week stay in Vienna and Berlin I happily found myself alone, or in the company of very few, in every museum.