Posts tagged ‘Paola Antonelli’
March 11, 2015  |  Design, Viewpoints
Paola Antonelli on Curating, MoMA’s Collection, and Design Today: A Reddit AMA Recap

Paola Antonelli, Director of Research and Development, and Senior Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art, NY. Photo: Robin Holland

Paola Antonelli, Director of Research and Development, and Senior Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art. Photo: Robin Holland

Last week, MoMA’s senior curator of Architecture and Design and director of R&D, Paola Antonelli, answered questions for Reddit users as part of the interview series Ask Me Anything (AMA). Having just reinstalled MoMA’s design galleries for the exhibition This Is for Everyone: Design Experiments for the Common Good—which includes several new acquisitions, including the @ symbol and the Wyss Institute’s Human Organs-on-Chips—Antonelli offered some insights into her work, MoMA’s collection, and the future of design.

September 30, 2011  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Tech, Videos
Hacking the Solari

Hacked Solari di Udine flight board

One of the aspects I like most about working in the Digital Media department is building exhibition subsites, the online complements to our gallery exhibitions. We don’t build all our subsites in-house; many are handled by outside design firms. In the case of Talk to Me