Posts tagged ‘Otto Preminger’
May 3, 2016  |  Film
Vincent Price in Otto Preminger’s Laura
Gene Tierney and Vincent Price in Laura. 1944. USA. Directed by Otto Preminger

Gene Tierney and Vincent Price in Laura. 1944. USA. Directed by Otto Preminger

I’ve always associated the American actor Vincent Price (1911–1993) with horror films. His work in Gothic features like House of Wax (1953), The Tingler (1959), and Pit and the Pendulum (1961) seem to align perfectly with his creepy voice and slithering screen persona. And I mean slithering as a compliment, because he brought a lot of skill to acting lecherous.

April 16, 2013  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Otto Preminger’s Exodus
Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, and John Derek in Exodus. 1960. USA. Directed by Otto Preminger

Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, and John Derek in Exodus. 1960. USA. Directed by Otto Preminger

These notes accompany screenings of Otto Preminger’s </em>Exodus</a> on April 17, 18, and 19.</p>

Otto Preminger (1905–1986), like Josef von Sternberg, Erich von Stroheim, Billy Wilder, Fred Zinnemann, and Edgar G. Ulmer, was a Viennese Jew.

July 19, 2011  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Otto Preminger’s Laura

Laura. 1944. USA. Directed by Otto Preminger

Laura. 1944. USA. Directed by Otto Preminger

These notes accompany the screenings of Otto Preminger’s </i>Laura</a> on July 20, 21, and 22 in Theater 2.</p>

Last week I mildly berated Andrew Sarris for pretty much ignoring Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger in his auteurist bible, The American Cinema. This week, with Laura by Otto Preminger (1905–1986), we have an example of just how influential Sarris was and is.