Posts tagged ‘musicals’
July 3, 2012  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Vincente Minnelli’s The Band Wagon

The Band Wagon. 1953. USA. Directed by Vincente Minnelli

These notes accompany the screenings of Vincente Minnelli’s The Band Wagon on July 4, 5, and 6.

The Hollywood backstage musical had been a mainstay since the birth of the talkies.

August 17, 2010  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Ernst Lubitsch’s The Love Parade

The Love Parade. 1929. USA. Directed by Ernst Lubitsch

Jeannette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier in The Love Parade. 1929. USA. Directed by Ernst Lubitsch

These notes accompany screenings of Ernst Lubitsch’s </i>The Love Parade, August 18, 19, and 20 in Theater 3.</p>

Ernst Lubitsch (1892–1947) followed up The Marriage Circle (1924) with eight more silents (three of which are sadly lost). In 1929, that probably made him the odds-on favorite among all then-prominent directors to succeed as sound was coming in. With The Love Parade, Lubitsch did not disappoint.