Posts tagged ‘Miranda July’
March 1, 2011  |  Collection & Exhibitions
A Monster-Like Force in the Transnational Lady-Made Movie Scene

Miranda July. The Amateurist. 1998. Video still. Courtesy Miranda July

Before Miranda July became an acclaimed director, she was a film school dropout who moved to Portland and started a video chainletter for women, Big Miss Moviola (later Joanie4Jackie). My favorite chainletter intro opens with July in front of a skyscraper wearing a navy suit, demonstrating with delightful irony how her scrappy video ‘zine had grown into a corporate behemoth; a “monster-like force in the transnational lady-made movie scene.” In reality, July was dubbing over old VHS on outdated VCRs that she kept in the living room, and often struggled to get by.