Posts tagged ‘Max Brand’
September 17, 2012  |  Family & Kids, Videos
VIDEO: The Teenager’s Guide to the Galleries! (Part 1)

Cross-Museum Collective teens on the set of The Teenager’s Guide to the Galleries!

If there was an Oscar given out for “Best Teen-Created Educational Guide for Visiting Modern and Contemporary Arts Institutions” I think we would have a serious contender for the prize right here. However (as the Academy continues to ignore us) I guess we’ll just have to present it to you, the dedicated Inside/Out readers, and let you make up your own mind about its merits.

Some background: for the final project of our 2012 season, the MoMA + MoMA PS1 Cross-Museum Collective wanted to create something that would allow them to share what they had discovered about the world of modern and contemporary art with their NYC teen community. Figuring out a way to do this was no easy task. The group had spent months together, working on projects with artists like Darren Bader and Rashaad Newsome, meeting with MoMA and MoMA PS1 staff, exploring art at our two institutions, and traveling around the city to visit other exhibitions and museums. With just a few weeks to go in our season, the Collective came up with an amazing idea—we would create a short video about all of the things that we felt teens struggle with when coming into contact with the daunting world of galleries and museums. Everybody sprang into action: an outline was made, scripts produced, props constructed, and scenes rehearsed. We called Plowshares Media and booked their crew. Matthew Evans and Chris Lew reserved us space at MoMA PS1, and the artist Max Brand gave us permission to film inside his exhibition. In true guerrilla DIY-style, we acted the scenes out ourselves and shot the whole thing over the course of a single afternoon. Presented here is the first part of the series, with the other three parts to follow over the next couple of weeks. Check it out. Share it with anyone (young or old) who might appreciate what we’re trying to do. And if anyone knows Jerry Bruckheimer’s number, please pass it along!

Special thanks to Chris Lew, Matthew Evans, Max Brand, Plowshares Media, and everybody on the Cross-Museum Collective who made this video possible.
