Posts tagged ‘Joseph Beuys’
November 30, 2009  |  MoMA PS1
The Bruce High Quality Foundation Intervenes in 1969


One of the most interesting aspects of organizing exhibitions at P.S.1 is the focus on living artists. For the current 1969 exhibition—which explores a wide range of art in MoMA’s collection made during this turbulent year—we invited a younger group of artists to create interventions in the galleries that reflect and even disrupt the collection show. We included The Bruce High Quality Foundation as their work is rooted in artistic practices that emerged in the late ’60s, especially Bruce Nauman’s studio performances and Joseph Beuys’s conflation of art and broader society. Additionally, the collaborative nature of the Foundation resonates with many of the collective actions of the period. In keeping with their anonymous mode of operations, the Foundation secretly enacted this masked showdown with the 1969 artworks while the exhibition was being installed.