These notes accompany screenings of Peter Emanuel Goldman’s </em>Echoes of Silence</a> on February 26, 27, and 28 in Theater 3.</p>
As Peter Emanuel Goldman has graciously informed me, accounts of his death (as Mark Twain said of his own in 1897) have been greatly exaggerated.

Posts tagged ‘Jonas Mekas’
February 25, 2014
An Auteurist History of Film
Peter Emanuel Goldman’s Echoes of Silence
April 30, 2013
An Auteurist History of Film
Non-California Dreaming: The American Avant-Garde, 1948–60
These notes accompany the Non-California Dreaming: The American Avant-Garde, Program 2 (1948–60) screening program on May 1, 2, and 3.
After Maya Deren (with husband Alexander Hammid) directed Meshes of the Afternoon and moved back east, and Amos Vogel founded Cinema 16, California ceased to be the exclusive center of the independent film movement, and New York became a rival.
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