Posts tagged ‘Jean Genet’
March 26, 2013  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Jean Genet’s A Song of Love and Jean Cocteau’s Testament of Orpheus
Testament of Orpheus. 1960. France. Directed by Jean Cocteau

Testament of Orpheus. 1960. France. Directed by Jean Cocteau

These notes accompany screenings of Jean Genet’s A Song of Love and Claude Chabrol’s Testament of Orpheus on March 27, 28, and 29 in Theater 2.

Jean Genet’s (1910–1986) association with the cinema was peripheral.

December 28, 2010  |  Performance Series
A “Walk-in Performance” at MoMA by Patti Smith and Michael Stipe

On Sunday, December 19, MoMA visitors were treated to a “walk-in performance” by artist and musician Patti Smith, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of prominent and challenging French writer and political activist Jean Genet. The performance, in MoMA’s Marron Atrium, could not have been better. I picked Patti up in a car at 11:30 a.m., and Michael Stipe had joined her, so we all drove to MoMA with the guitars, and at noon sharp, Michael opened for Patti with a heartbreakingly beautiful song by David Bowie about Jean Genet, “The Jean Genie.”