Posts tagged ‘Italian Neorealism’
September 24, 2013  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Ermanno Olmi’s Il Posto
Il Posto (The Job/The Sound of Trumpets). 1961. Italy. Directed by Ermanno Olmi

Il Posto (The Job/The Sound of Trumpets). 1961. Italy. Directed by Ermanno Olmi

These notes accompany screenings of Ermanno Olmi’s </em>Il Posto</a> on September 25, 26, and 27 in Theater 3.</p>

Ermanno Olmi, now 82, made some three-dozen short documentary films (many for the electric company in Milan) before Il Posto

September 3, 2013  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Francesco Rosi’s Salvatore Giuliano
May 7, 2013  |  An Auteurist History of Film
Michelangelo Antonioni’s Il Grido