Posts tagged ‘Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves’
December 19, 2013  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Publications
Portrait of an Artist: Isaac Julien: RIOT

Riot cover

Cover of the publication Isaac Julien: RIOT, published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Isaac Julien: RIOT is not your typical exhibition catalogue. With most of the writing done by artist and filmmaker Isaac Julien himself, it is more like an illustrated intellectual biography.

November 25, 2013  |  Artists, Collection & Exhibitions
Behind the Screens:
Installing Isaac Julien’s Ten Thousand Waves
Installation view of Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves at The Museum of Modern Art. Photo: Jonathan Muzikar

Installation view of Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves at The Museum of Modern Art. Photo: Jonathan Muzikar

Isaac Julien (British, b. 1960) is one of the most innovative artists working at the intersection of media art and cinema today. With his vivid multi-screen works—fractured narratives that fuse breathtaking images with immersive sonic elements—Julien is internationally regarded as a key figure in the vitalization of the gallery space through new exhibition strategies of time-based art.