For the past three years, Community & Access Programs teaching artist Kerry Downey has been teaming up with Housing Works (one of MoMA’s longest running Community Partnerships) to collaborate on nearly a dozen hands-on art projects. Traveling between three sites—the Keith D. Cylar House Health Center, the Transgender Transitional Housing Project (TTHP), and the West Village Health Center—Downey has been organizing video shoots, performances, murals, and a host of other artistic ventures.

Posts tagged ‘Housing Works’
Art/Works: Exploring MoMA’s Community Partnership with Housing Works
2010 Community Partners Art Show Opening
On Tuesday evening, MoMA held an opening party for our first-ever Community Partners Art Show. On view through July 30 in the lower gallery of the Cullman Education Building, the exhibition showcases artwork created in collaboration with the various populations served through the Museum’s twenty-nine different community partnership organizations. These organizations serve a wide variety of social, economic, and educational needs across a wide section of New York City, and the issues that our Community Partner Organizations address (issues that include but are not limited to homelessness, HIV/AIDS, juvenile incarceration, adult basic education, immigration services, prostitution, drug addiction, family literacy, and job training) are not issues that are immediately associated with traditional museum education.
The Masks We Wear: Identity, Art, and AIDS
When I took over the Community Outreach Coordinator position three years ago, Housing Works was the first organization that I reached out to and brought in as a new Community Partner. The largest community-based AIDS organization in the United States, for the past 20 years they have tackled the twin crises of HIV/AIDS and homelessness, offering housing, medical and mental health care, meals, job training, drug treatment, HIV prevention education, and social support to over 20,000 New York City residents.
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