Posts tagged ‘history’
Take a Breather: Summergarden at MoMA

Guests, participants, performers or guides, "Interpenactors," at art happening, "Interpenning," created by Marta Minujin, with technical assistant, Gary Glover. Summergarden Program, August 11, 1972. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York

Guests, participants, performers or guides, “Interpenactors,” at art happening, “Interpenning,” created by Marta Minujin, with technical assistant, Gary Glover. Summergarden Program, August 11, 1972. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York

“A mere glimpse restores my sagging soul,” wrote Lillian Gerard, Special Projects Coordinator at MoMA, of The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden in a letter to Richard Shepard at The New York Times in 1975. She went on to describe it as “as a meeting place for young lovers, senior citizens, jumping children, foreign travelers, and out-of-towners” and in particular singled out “…its evenings with performers as ardent and free as the trees and the sculpture that thrive in this oasis of fountains and pools, with the sky above and cement below.”