Posts tagged ‘Hélio Oiticica’
October 28, 2010  |  Conservation, Film
Rescuing Mangue-Bangue
Mangue Bangue director Neville D’Ameida photographed during a comic moment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008

Mangue-Bangue director Neville D’Ameida photographed during a comic moment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008

I take my work as a curator very seriously. I consider myself fortunate to put into practice on a daily basis the knowledge I gained as an undergraduate and graduate film and art history student. But honestly, we’re not saving lives here at MoMA or finding the means for alternate energy sources that will sustain our planet for millennia. My mother is proud of my professional achievements too, but she’ll never have the chance to say to her friends “my daughter, the Nobel Prize winner.” Even so, the work of a film curator is significant, enduring, and critical to the history of cinema.