Posts tagged ‘Grouch Marx’
October 5, 2010  |  An Auteurist History of Film
A Leo McCarey Program

Duck Soup. 1933. USA. Directed by Leo McCarey

Duck Soup. 1933. USA. Directed by Leo McCarey

These notes accompany the Leo McCarey screening program, October 6, 7, and 8 in Theater 3.

Leo McCarey (1898–1969) has long been one of the most unheralded major directors in film history. (I made my own small effort to resurrect his status in a 1973 Film Comment article.) At that time, I reminded readers of a quote from critic (and later screenwriter) Frank Nugent from 1939: “McCarey directs so well it is almost antisocial of him not to direct more often.” Unfortunately, McCarey remains all too obscure to this day.