Posts tagged ‘Family Programs’
May 25, 2016  |  Learning and Engagement
Art Lab for All
Visitors creating an assemblage in Art Lab: Process. Photo: Martin Seck

Visitors creating an assemblage in Art Lab: Process. Photo: Martin Seck

Art Lab: Process is an interactive space where families and other museum visitors can discover different ways of making art and engage in their own creative process. As an educator in the space, I consider how I can help visitors maximize their time in the lab and in the museum.

Why I Like Black-and-White Movies

Like most children growing up in the last half of the 20th century, I dreamed of a 64-count box of Crayola crayons. In school we had eight-count boxes. I wanted 64—all the myriad colors including bittersweet, sky blue, and raw umber. The 64-count box also had a built-in sharpener. A virtual Technicolor assortment of waxy goodness and a sharpener to keep them in ready condition! What more could a child have wanted? I drew all kinds of pictures and shapes, some more recognizable than others.

April 7, 2014  |  This Week at MoMA
This Week at MoMA: April 7–13

Now that spring is officially here, MoMA’s beloved Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden is once again (weather permitting) a sanctuary for midtown regulars and tourists alike.

March 24, 2014  |  This Week at MoMA
This Week at MoMA: March 24–30

While all across America students are enjoying spring break, this week at MoMA we’re hitting the books, tackling thought-provoking issues, and offering a plethora of ways to dig deep into the world of art and art history. Here are just a few of the classes, talks, and resources on offer:

November 11, 2013  |  Events & Programs, Learning and Engagement
MoMA Art Lab: Movement—Why Play with Spinning Tops and Tinker Toys?
Activity testing for MoMA Art Lab: Movement. Photo: Jackie Armstrong

Activity testing for MoMA Art Lab: Movement. Photo: Jackie Armstrong

Recently, Family Programs staff were interested in testing out some of the activities under consideration for MoMA Art Lab: Movement before it opened (on October 10, 2013). Formative evaluation is a “try it out” method that is less formal than other evaluation types.

April 12, 2011  |  I Went to MoMA and
“I went to MoMA and…”: The Kids Are All Right

The "I went to MoMA and..." project in action in the MoMA lobby


Flights of fancy, lively drawings, dreams of piloting the Bell helicopter, disdain for a museum with no dinosaurs… many of our absolute favorite “MoMA stories” were left by kids, from toddlers to teenagers. So for our second post about the “I went to MoMA and…” project, it wasn’t hard to pick a theme.