Posts tagged ‘Cinco de Mayo’
May 6, 2011  |  Five for Friday
Five for Friday: ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo Tardío!

Five for Friday, written by a variety of MoMA staff members, is our attempt to spotlight some of the compelling, charming, and downright curious works in the Museum’s rich collection.

Originally a local commemoration of an outnumbered Mexican army’s 1862 victory over French troops at the Battle of Puebla, Cinco de Mayo has grown to include a major American celebration of Mexican culture and Mexican American heritage. In (belated) celebration of the holiday, here is just a tiny sample of MoMA’s rich collection of work by Mexican artists—and by artists from the U.S. and abroad who have responded to Mexico’s people and natural beauty. (If this piques your interest, be sure to visit MoMA this fall for our Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art</a> exhibition.)