Posts tagged ‘Born out of Necessity
May 9, 2012  |  Collection & Exhibitions, Design
Sometimes It Does Take a Rocket Scientist to Design a Title Wall

The Born out of Necessity title wall in the Architecture and Design Galleries. Photo: Stephanie Huang

When we first started meeting with curators Paola Antonelli and Kate Carmody about creating graphics for the new Architecture and Design exhibition, Born out of Necessity, they explained that one of the exhibition’s main themes was the design process itself.

April 2, 2012  |  Collection & Exhibitions
Born out of Necessity: Contemporary Design and the Myth of Problem Solving

Have you ever encountered a definition—of art, design, poetry, or any creative endeavor—that you found truly satisfying? The ones that have the soundbite-ready punch that allows them to take hold in the public memory tend to be generic and superficial. Unless, as a curator, you learn to use them as doors into the sublime complexity of the field you explore and love.